Darkness of Love

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  Andys POV

 I woke up and saw Nights starring at me."Well. Hello beautiful," I said looking at her smokey gray eyes. She looked away quickly blushing like mad. I chuckled."Sorry. I thought you were asleep," she mumbled. "I was," I said. "Did I wake you up?" She asked. I shook my head no. She shifted into her cat form and curled up on my chest. I chuckled which made her give me a death glare. I started petting her ears. She purred and shifted back to her human form. "Thanks," she said. "For what?" I asked. "Being Andrew Biersack the guy with nothing wrong with him," she said. My heart sank. That urge that I knew so well came back. Not again."I mean I have a lot of problems but you...you are perfect. You've never cu-" "I have to go to the bathroom," I said cutting her off. She looked worried then remembered she was on top of me so I couldn't get up. She blushed and moved, brushing over my member. I was hard almost instantly. She felt it and blushed even harder. "I um...." she said. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. After I took care of my 'problem' I got my shaving stuff together. I started shaving and nicked myself. The pain was good like a old friend that you missed. I took a part my razor and got the small blade. "5 years clean," I said to myself before I held out my arm and dragged it across my wrist. The pain made me forget about Nightmare and what was running through her head, the worried looks the guys gave me when I said I was going to the bathroom, everyone never leaving me alone. I forgot all of it. For a few moments I had peace. When my wrist stopped bleeding I put on a sweater. It was cold outside so I had an excuse. I walked back out and saw the guys giving me worried looks. "I'm taking my kitten to a nearby park," I said. They nodded. I walked to the back of the bunks. "Nights," I called she poked her head out of my bunk. "Yeah," she said. I smiled at her. She was half in cat form half in human. It was so cute. I walked over to her and peckedher lips."We are going to the park," I said. She started crying so i pickedher up andsat her in my lap. "What's wrong kitten?" I asked starting to worry."Your wrist," she sobbed. I tensed. She ran out of the bunk area and I ran after her. "What's wrong little Radke?" Ashley asked."I broke him," she sobbed. I sat there a listened to what they were saying."What do you mean angel?" Jinxx asked."He slit his wrist because of me! I should have died years ago that way he would be happy!" She screamed. Then fell onto CC, who just held her. Those words. I made her say them. Without a word I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I grabbed my razor and held out my arm. I took a deep breath before digging the blade into my skin. I screamed out in pain but kept going. I stopped before I reached the vain. I knewI should die, but I couldn't leave them like that. I wraped it up carefully and threw my blade in the toilet flushing it. I walked out to see Ronnie about to kick the door down."WHAT THE FUCK ANDREW DENNIS BIERSACK!" I turned to see Nightmare pissed. I walked over to her. I had to make her hate me. For her safty I had to. I raised my hand but stopped. I let it fall to my side."You need to hate me. Forget me. I'm not safe to be around right now. I will always love you," I said then kissed her nose lightly. I took off my bandage and looked at her."I love you," I said then dragged my nail into my skin. The blood came pouring out so much, so fast. I smiled and fell,as I was consumed into a darkness of love.  

The Love We Share-Book One in the Love to Death Series (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now