In the farthest reaches of space, there resided a great alien race possessing incredible technology and power. But the two main religious powers of this ancient race were locked in a bitter war. Their battle tore the surface of hundreds of planets as trillions of innocent lives were destroyed in the crossfire. But apart from these two great forces, was a smaller power that was solely engaged with the art of science and technology, it was this group that had given the race its great power. But since this weaker power didn't pick a side, both of the religious groups repeatedly preyed on it for new weapons to turn one its opponent, followed by said opponent in a scramble to combat this power. This never-ending cycle raged until the very home world of the species threatened to collapse in on itself. It was at this point that one of the religious powers stole an incomplete biological weapon from the science-based power. Attempting to use this weapon, the religious group in their arrogance caused the device to explode, causing a great energy surge to pass through the entire galactic sector, leaving none untouched. But this surge had seemingly done nothing, so it was forgotten as a failure. But it was soon realized that the device at done something alright, every living things DNA was slowly breaking down, the entire species and everything associated with it was dying, with nothing that could be done to stop it. Realizing that its race was doomed, the greatest scientists of the weaker power decided to build a technological arc of sorts, so that their discoveries, inventions, and culture may be remembered and live on in some other race. This selected race was humanity. These beings had known of humans for centuries, but never decided to contact them. Humans to them were barbaric idiots, which is an opinion shared by many members of humanity. But time was running out for them, so the scientists put their great factories to work making this arc, so that the humans can be enlightened by their knowledge, and learn from their mistakes. But as the great ship was put together, the religious powers learned of it, and were bent on its destruction. They believed humanity wasn't worthy of their religion, that nobody but themselves were worthy. So, they sieged the ship, which was completed by the time their forces reached it, and tried to bring it down by force. But the ship, the culmination of this race's greatest and most powerful technology, repelled all attacks. So, they tried a different approach, a cyber-attack, and they were successful. Despite the ship's incredible defenses, one virus made it past during the massive onslaught of hackers and virus implants. This virus destroyed every single piece of information in the ship's great archives. Believing that they had successfully crippled the robotic ship by wiping its memory, the forces celebrated. But it was short lived. The ship, while being mostly robotic, was not entirely a cold, dead machine. It, in fact, was a living thing at its heart, was untouched by the attack, and due to the unique nature of it, immune to the life ending virus. The ship took off, punching through all attempts to stop it, heading for Earth. Slowly, all life on that portion of the galaxy died, and the worlds that sustained them sank from memory into oblivion. The ship, not knowing of what to do, set the great machinery within it to work as it approached its destination, it's conciseness sinking into a deep slumber with all the computer minds tending to it no longer working. Locked into this process, the ship arrived at Earth, and became the terror known as the Herald. Upon dropping its first volley of pods, humanity was done for. These massive egglike pods grabbed people and turned them into the monsters that were named Berserkers, that tore through modern military tech like it was nothing. If one even could damage their superior armor, they just repaired it by eating metal, most of the time the unfortunate tanks and vehicles that were nearby. Defenses were useless against the technological power the Berserkers brought to bear. Even the humans who mastered the power the pods, simply called pilots by most, who rose up to fight the monsters at their door, were unable to turn the tide, for there was nowhere for them to defend from that could handle the titanic struggle between the pilots and the Berserkers. Then the Herald stepped in, deploying the 8 colossal fortresses, that landed in the charred remains of once great cities. These fortresses could withstand the fight, and even had defenses of their own. There were outer limits of the constructs that normal humans could enter, but the center section would let none pass. Only pilots could enter the heart of the mechanical city. So, humanity decided to turn these centers into schools, for the new pilots were teenagers and it made sense to educate them along with training them. But the pilots could not leave the resulting super cities and press a war to crush all the Berserkers and take back their land, for the Herald always hung somewhere above. They could not go out and fight Berserkers in fear of new ones popping up within the city and killing everyone while they were away, for there were not nearly enough pilots to equally distribute troops between the two. This, along with the threat that as a pilot was sucked too far into combat that he himself will turn into a Berserker, snuffed out any thoughts of starting a war. So, they stayed, teaching and learning, slowly forgetting the danger and adventure that was right at their doorstep.
And this is were our story begins.
This is: Apeiron - Legend of the Infinity Mecha
Apeiron: Legend Of The Infinity Mecha
Fiksi IlmiahThe mecha high school story everyone wants. A story about a boy in the far future after an alien robot apocalypse where most of Earth was taken has occurred. But the apocalypse isn't over yet for the few remaining cities of humanity. WARNING: Progre...