Happy Happy.

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/*Whilst I was writing this,I kept on saying I suck at this. I didn't know if I should've published this or not or was it to much of an chicklit in horror story. I hope not.  It was hard writing this chapter because one, all the while I had the cheshire cat from alice in wonderland in my head.Two, I was listening to Melanie Martinez's pity party. And Three, well, I just couldn't think of romantic shit when dark stuff like that played in my head.

Nevertheless, my friend gave me an heads up to publish it so here it is. */

I finally gained consciousness and a blurry face came under my vision.

"Raveena, Raveena,are you okay?", it was Aryan. "Yeah", I tried to sit up but Aryan rested me down again. "Do you know what happened or do you need an explanation?",he said.

 I frowned.I remember.I clearly remember what happened.I nod.

                  "It is 3 a.m. and I don't we would be needed at this hospital at this hour. So would you like to join me for a walk at the park?",Aryan went on. I really needed to get out of this place so I agreed. I think I caught a slight smile but it was gone as it came. He looked sad but happy at the same time. He had this happy but sad vibe to him. It's so funny he could mix emotions and still I am able to read them like an open book. I would say he's ok but I'd be lying. He didn't look ok.

               Once we were out of the hospital grounds, we made our way to the park, a little over 20 mins from this haunted enigma. We had both ditched our work clothes and went for our casuals. Thankfully, the weather today was clear and nice. The sky was blue, the grass greener a and various birds chirping. "Isn't it beautiful out here?",Aryan said as we walked through a canopy of trees.He looked at me and I smiled. We found a path of grass. Aryan bought us ice cream,chocolate ice cream. Chocolate was my favorite. It brought back my old childhood memories.Happy memories. Memories from the days before my brother was killed or murdered or whatever the truth was. 

               "Thank you Aryan for this, this really has been amazing."

It was really amazing.My first happy day ever since that dark day."It's no problem. This park is my favorite. I come here when I am angry or too stressed. I am relieved to share this with someone else.",He said with a half smile.

            Suddenly, he pulled me up and yelled,"Bet you can't catch me!!",as he ran. He reminded me of a small boy, he was laughing, I was chasing him,we skipped,we sang, it was as if my world had changed into heaven.It was as if I had no worries in the world.

            We sat down out of breathe laughing.Once we'd got our breathe back and had stopped giggling, he pulled me closer. He looked straight into my eyes and softly kissed my lips. They were warm and I could taste the ice cream, that had once passed through them. It was heavenly. It sent sparks down my spine. It was as if I was dancing on the clouds. It was pure happiness and my first feeling of love. He held me close afterwards. "I love you Raveena.",he mumbled. And those words right there were the words I needed to make me feel safe, the only words that would crush the fear of that girl. They were the words that would protect me from the evil. I love him. We have each other now. That is everything to us, everything we need to get through.


Short chapter but just a filler. and sorry about the no scary stuff in this chapter. I would update soon in a few hours to make up for it.

Punch that vote button till then. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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