Chapter two

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My alarm clock goes off.

"Muhh ughhhh hhhm" I mumble.

Then I feel someone next to me.
I open my eyes and see I'm on the floor. Apparently Brandon spent the night.

That isn't weird for us. It happens all the time. Brandon always sleeps on the floor and I sleep in my bed. Sometimes he will climb in my bed or ill lay next to him on the floor, and we have done that since day one. Thats just normal for us.

"Brandon wake up!" I say shaking him. It's a Saturday and I was hoping we could do something fun.

"Brandon!" I say in his ear.

"Huh.... what?" Brandon says confused.

"Brandon get up! I have a fun day planed for us! Come on I'm tired too. And how did I get into pajamas last night I thought I fell asleep in jeans!"

"I'm sleepy," Brandon says, now he is gonna get it.

I plug his nose and after a few seconds his mouth bursts open as he sits up.

"What was that for!" he says like he's been awake for hours.

"Get up! Let's get breakie I'm hungry!"
I say.

"Whatever you say clairebear."

"Right back at you McNugget."

"Come one now! You know I hate that name!"

"Right." I say sarcastically. "don't lie to me, you love it."

"Ok fine you know me too well."

So I get up and pick out an outfit for today. I grab some jean shorts, a red and white poka-dot swimsuit, my favorite mean girls T-shirt, and my red Toms.

I run over to the bathroom and change. I should probably tell Brandon to change too.

"Brandon! You have to change your clothes! You brought a swimsuit right?" I yell from the bathroom as I try and fit my clothes over my bathing suit.

"Yeah! Don't count pine ranging!"

What? The bathroom fan it too loud.


"Don't count rhyme panging!"

Ok what the heck is he trying to say!
I open the bathroom door and walk out.

"Brandon you don't make sense what the-" then I see Brandon shirtless.

"Eeeeee look away!" he screams like a little girl.

"Oh whatever I've seen you shirtless before and were going swimming today so ill see you again. Grow up." I say giggling at his girlieness.

Well... girly if girls had abs.

But whatever.

"I just don't want you to be too attracted to my manliness." Brandon said puffing out his chest.

"Oh shut up! I have a boyfriend you know."

"He isn't good enough for you Claire! There's something up with that guy I can smell it!" Brandon said playfully as he flared his nostrils over and over again.

That always makes me laugh.

But I can also hear the seriousness in his statement. And Brandon is never one for seriousness.

There's just something about that boy. It just wants to make me hug him and never let go.


Hi everyone! I update both books so please read them! well.. I guess if your reading this you did read my second book....

Eh. Technicalities.

Leave comments about what you want to happen next and I might choose a few and shout you out/ use your ideas!

Recommend me to your friends please!


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