Chapter five

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It's finally Friday! No school tomorrow! it's a long weekend so we don't have school on Monday either.

When I get home I check my phone and see two texts. One from Hunter and one from Brandon. I check Hunter's first.

From": Hunter xoxo

"Hey you wanna come over today? Sorry if you have plans I just thought we could go on a little date ;-)"

I replied; "sure! Does around 5 sound ok?"

From: Hunter xoxo

"Sure babe :-)"

Then I checked Brandon's text.

From: McNugget

Shade up. Important.

I immediately rush over to my window and pull up the shade revealing a smiling Brandon with a white board in his hand. We got the idea to do this from a Taylor Swift video and we've been doing it since I can remember. Our houses are right next to each other and our rooms are directly across from each other. I smile back and write

"did you miss me?" He laughs and I can hear him even though we're 100 feet apart plus separated by two windows. He nods his head yes but also writes;

"I have a date tonight!" And with that, I have no idea why, my stomach cringes. I love Brandon to death. (like in a friend way) and I don't think any of the girls I know are good enough for him. But that's just my opinion. I still write; "OMG really?! with who!"

He writes back "it's that girl I sit with on the bus! her name it Isabelle. She's new to the school and that's kinda how we started hanging out. So I asked her out." I still smile but in my head I think why her? I thought Dylan O'neal likes her! He can get pretty over protective and is probably the best-looking-most-popular guy at school.

Personally I kind of maybe had a tinie tiny crush on Dylan. "I'm happy for you!" I write. I really am, I'm just worried he's going to end up getting hurt. "thanks! do you want to come over and help me pick and outfit?"

"Sure!" I say setting my board down and changing my shoes. I also grab a hoodie and my keys, lock the door, and walk over to Brandon's house.

My parents are going to be out in Idaho for the weekend and I decided to stay. I'm kind of alone this weekend and I don't want my parents to lose trust in me. The house must be spotless and perfect for when they come back or else they'll never trust me again.

Once I get over to Brandon's house I knock lightly on the door. The stairs creak as I slowly rock back and forth. It's a very old house. Brandon's house is brick and mine is white covered at the bottom by large uneven stones and rocks. Mine is a newer style and McNugget over here, his house is ancient.

Brandon's mom answers the door and grins. "I'm guessing your here for Brandon. Come right on in!" she says with a smile.

"Thank you'll Tracy!" I say as I walk in with a smile.

I run up the stairs and go into Brandon's room. He doesn't see me.

I crouch down behind the other side of his bed and watch him. Yeah.. in not a creeper. Trust me ok? I hear him sing and pause. He sounds amazing!

"Does he know you can move like that?


Does he know that I want you so bad?


Tonight you're mine, baby.

Does he know that you'll never go back?


Does he know?

He'll never know

The way you lie when you look at me

So keep trying but you know I see

All the little things that make you who you are

So tell me, girl"

And I decide he's had enough so I interrupt with my own terrible singing,

"Does he know you can move it like that?

Does he know that you'll never go back?


Brandon screams and I laugh.

"When did you get here!" he says covering his face like he's been violated.

"Oh come on your singing was amazing why are you acting all embarrassed!"

"Oh come on I suck! You on the other hand, your amazing!"

"Yeah right your just trying to make me look good."

"No that's your job, which we should be doing now. My date is in 20 minutes!"

"K but afterwards you have do give me a makeover for my date!"

"Ok fine."


Hey guys sorry it took so long.

I had finished my chapter like 8 times and wattpad kept deleting it.


Anyways, thanks for reading! And check out charmip14 and __graecia__

'S books!!!!

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