chapter nine

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Thank you guys for reading my book! Dedicated to @jakeisafatcat thanks for reading! I got like 8 reads in one day which is sadly good for me... so thank you and hoope you like the chapter!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I finally wake up, Hunter is sitting up by my side. 

"Claire," he whispers, "Theres not a car following us anymore." he says.

That takes me by suprise. Frist, how did he know a car was followings us, second where did Brandon go!


"I woke up after you fell asleep. I saw Brandon's car and what I think was an undercover police car. Tanner must have seen me looking at them though and shook them off by driving some crazy long route."

"Wow. How long was I asleep!" i say.

"About 16 hours. We've stopped a couple of times and Mark helped me stop bleeding. I should probably get to a docter soon though because i can berily move and i don't know what to do." Hunter says with weakness to it.

" I'm so sorry Hunter." here come the tears. All I had to do was listen to when the group had been talking to me. I coud have told Hunter that it sounded like a bad idea and Brandon him and I would all have a movie marathon. But no. I just had to be the little brat I am. 

"There's nothing you could have done. Well be ok but I need you to make sure you listen and do whatever Tanner tells you to do. You need to be smart Claire. I need you to do that for me. Okay?" 


"Guys were gonna pull up and get some food. Mark is going to watch you so don't try to pull anything." Tanner said. I'd almost fogotten he was there. And apparently th drivers name is Mark.

Then a thought comes in my mind. We could drive away right now. Even with my weak leg, I can still drive enought to get us out of this mess. All we really need to do is find the keys. 

I see something shine on the dashboard. Bingo.

"I'm getting McDonalds. I don't really care about what you want, your getting nuggets." Tanner says and opens the door.

"Why do you even bother feeding us if your just going to kill us anyways" and right as i scream it out, i regret it. Losing all my brownie points right now aren't we Claire. Tanner turns to me.

"You both have lost alot of blood. Your weak, with no way to escape." 

yeah. thats what you think.

" Plus," he says looking right into my eyes with his nasty orange ones "we wouldn't wawnt to spoil our precious cargo now. Would we?" he says and smirks again.

You know what, I knew this guy was trouble since i first laid eyes on him.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Tanner is out of the car and Mark is leaning on one of the doors, i rush to the dashboard and start going throught with my plan.

"woah woah woah Claire what are you doing...Tanner said that he could catch us if we did something tricky!" 

"Forget what Tanner said! Do you want to live or not! Who knows what there going to do with us!" 

"Claire calm down Mark might be able to hear us. If they find out that were trying to leave...."

"Then what Hunter. What could possible be worse than this!" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2014 ⏰

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