18 + Smornby

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'Smornbae' from AO3 said: Can you please do 18 and/or 42 with smornby please? Thanks ❤

18: "I live in the flat next to yours and you're playing music really loudly, it's midnight, please turn your music down- oh shit, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were jerking off."

(I'll do another chapter for 42. :) )

I haven't described the wanking, it just basically says, 'he was wanking' and that's it.


12:35am. Ross had been trying to get to sleep now for the past hour, but music was blasting through the walls which kept Ross from falling asleep. He had a busy day in the morning and he needed to sleep soon or he wouldn't function properly.

Sighing, Ross dragged himself out of the bed and slid on his plain dark blue dressing gown, whilst making his way through the door to the main body of his flat. He unlocked the door and stepped out into the corridor and ran a hand through his hair. Ross groggily walked left to the next front door.

He made a fist and knocked upon the door three times then awaited an answer. He waited for half a minute and gathered that the occupant didn't hear the knocking due to the music drowning out the knocks.

Not expecting the door to open, Ross tried the handle and was surprised when he fell into the flat, tripping over his feet in the process. He located the sound instantly; a radio on the other side of the room near the windows and beside a slightly opened door.

He trod into the flat and covered his ears with his hands because of the music being so loud. As soon as he turned the music down a few notches, he let his remaining hand at his head drop to his side loosely.

Curiosity peaked in Ross' mind to find out who exactly lived here, and that only heightened when he remembered the half-open door next to him. He closed an eye and put the other eye to the door, looking through the crevice.

It was a bedroom; the double bed placed neatly against the far corner with a figure sat atop, one hand behind him and one hand out of view. The figure sat back facing Ross, and only when Ross concentrated on the figure did he realise that the one hand out of view was moving away and towards it slightly.

A look of disgust crossed Ross' face as he realised that the man was jerking off. Ross continued watching the man as he groaned loudly and leaned back further onto the hand behind him.

"Excuse me." Ross spoke, suddenly alerting the man to his presence.

The man let out a surprised grunt and fell onto the wooden floor, landing on his back.

"Shit, are you okay?" Ross cautiously edged into the room, slowly closing in on the figure on his back.

"Who the fuck are you?" The stranger groaned, pushing himself up and hastily pulling up his underwear and trousers.

"I'm your neighbour. I could hear your music in my bedroom next door, I did knock but I guessed you didn't hear. Sorry I came barging through, you clearly want to be alone-"

"No, it's okay." The man stood facing Ross. Ross scanned over his face and licked his lips. "I should've turned it down, my mistake."

"I'm Ross." He stuck out his hand to the other man and then he hesitantly drew back as he remembered where it had been. "Maybe I shouldn't shake your hand."

The stranger laughed. "I'm Alex. Sorry about all this, I just moved here and, well, y'know, I just felt-"

"Yeah, yeah, I understand." Ross smiled at Alex's awkwardness.

"Maybe we could meet in the morning or something. I would appreciate a little friendship."

Ross nodded, lips curving into a smile again. "Yeah, I'm good with that."

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