Chapter 1

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Hi, my name's Zoey. I'm a 21 year-old girl who survived the infection. If you didn't already know, about 25 days ago a massive sickness spread across the country. Doctors were puzzled as to what it was. The patients that were infected began showing signs of aggressiveness. Like biting, scratching, attacking, and so on. If you were bitten, you'd become infected in a matter of hours. You wanna know what they look like? Disgusting. They're just like a dead body with a crazy half-alive person inside. They act like they have rabies. They have half decomposed skin and limbs, and they crave the weirdest things.

Like brains.

I don't get it. They're just nasty. Anyways, how did I predict this? Well I'd been watching the news a lot lately and thought that it couldn't be happening. Then one day when I got home from school, my house was trashed. I yelled out to my mom, nothing. My sister was gone and so was my dad. Their was blood smeared across the walls and broken pictures everywhere. I was terrified. I ran downstairs with my dads shot gun, the small tv, and food and water. I stayed in my basement locked away for 3 weeks. No communication at all. It was one of the scariest things I had ever done.

Although, one day, my basement days were done. I heard a knock on my door. I stood up and loaded my shot gun. I stood in the corner of my pantry room. The door was finally kicked down. I was expecting infected things to come at me, but instead I got 3 men. One was wearing some sort of military uniform and had an ungroomed beard, he was also smoking a giant cigar. Another was a coloured man who looked confused, he had on a stained white dress shirt with a red tie and dress pants. The last one was covered into tattoos and had the motorcycle look. He had a weird vest on too.

"How long have you been down here for darling? " The guy with the military look asked "I think almost 3 weeks now. What's going on?" I said lowering my gun "Well there's an apocalypse going on" the coloured one said fixing his tie which somehow managed to stay in good shape "I hate apocalypses..." The guy in the vest said in a grumpy voice. I stared at them wondering about so much, who are these people?

"I'm Bill" The military guy said "And this is Louis and Francis" Louis was the guy in the tie and Francis was the grouchy one . I shook hands with each of them "I'm Zoey" I said putting the gun on a shelf behind me. They all looked me up and down, probably wondering about my age and stuff "I'm 21" I said. They all brought their eyes up and nodded "Well Bill's the old man of the three of us, he's 58. I'm 29, and Francis is 40" Louis said "Have you been bitten?" Francis blurted out at me " No I haven't even seen one yet, I just locked myself down here once I saw that my family was gone. I assumed they had been infected. How did you guys find me?" I said "Well, your house is surrounded by the infected. They smelled your scent. You were smart to lock yourself down here young lady" Bill said "Then how'd you guys get in?" I asked. They answered my question by holding up their guns all at the same time "Oh" I said feeling stupid "Well we'd better get moving, you should come with us, the more living we can round up the better. Got any supplies?" Louis said "Wait... where are we going? And yeah I do... some canned food and a few bottles of water" I replied. Francis began packing his bag with stuff "Well we have to get across the border to Canada, where the disease hasn't spread yet. Once we get there, we'll be safe, we need to get over there asap!" Bill said "You'd better pack a bag, grab lots of ammunition, food, water, and anything else we can use to survive" Francis said. I began packing my bag with everything they mentioned. I over heard Francis and Louis talking across the pantry "Finally, some female blood! I never thought I'd see one again!" Louis whisper-yelled to Francis "I hate women"He muttered. I rolled my eyes and continued on with my packing. How am I expected to get across to Canada with these freaks?

~Hey guys! Hope you liked the first chapter! I'm a huge L4D fan and I thought that this was a good story to write. Please comment if you like!~

Left 4 Dead: ZoeyXHunterWhere stories live. Discover now