The Phone Call

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Hey guys! So....yeah, sorry I haven't posted since November, I was changing the beginning which was frustrating me and I was busy and I was writing another story, but I PROMISE I will now upload more regualarly now I'm back into the story :) Thanks for reading!!



“I know how you feel, ok,” She began comfortingly, “And this doesn’t make you a bad person, you’re just less affected by death than others, you can still operate at times of great sadness or stress. It’s just a medical condition with no side effects we call Acute Poveikis…. Dan, please come back to our base with us? I promise I’ll explain everything there.”

          But as Dan was about to respond yes, he heard shouts from behind him and spun around, completely horrified to see police officers running through the trees towards them.

“Hey kid! Stop there and do not move!”

 “You’ve got some explaining to do, young man!”

 “Get that boy!”

“Daniel Wilson, stay still!”

They were all shouting, but one thing was clear. They wanted him.


Dan wasn’t going to let them arrest him because he couldn’t endure the questioning and suspision again, and the worst thing? He would be considered mad if he so much as mentioned vampires of any sort, they’d send him to a home and put him in a padded room with a straight jacket on…

          Just as Dan was ready to run as fast as he could, thick black smoke appeared in front of him, and he heard lots of coughing and shouting which slowly dulled until silence descended on the courtyard, and when the smoke cleared the police were all crumpled on the ground, some blinking in a daze and trying to clear there head.

“Come on, buddy!” Gee shouted, grabbing Dan’s arm and-when he remained frozen and refused to move-heaved him over his shoulder and took off running with surprising speed, Ariel in tow.

“Ok, Ok, you can put me down!” Dan yelled hurridly, and as soon as his feet touched the ground started running at their pace, finding it a bit of a struggle to keep up and being glad he’d been working out recently so at least it was possible.

          “What was that stuff?” Dan gasped, a stitch slowly making an appearance in his side.

“It was sleeping smog.” Gee answered, his voice as smooth as it would have been if he’d been standing still.

"One of the brainy kids invented it. Smoke bomb with a sleeping gas mixed in, so its perfect for getting away, but it doesnt last very long." Ariel continued, stealthily dodging a branch that Dan failed to see, and he grunted in pain involintairily as it scraped across his face and he felt a drop of warm blood start to slide down his face from the shallow cut it left. Seeing his small injury, Gee looked back and smiled reassuringly as Dan wiped his sleeve hastily over his face.

"Nearly there, buddy! Careful, theres a-"

               Before he'd finished the sentence, Dan's foot caught on something and he went tumbling over, skidding along the ground. Scrambling back up again, he scowled and kept on running as the other two tried not to laugh.

"Well, kid, I was gonna say careful of that tree root, but..." Gee murmered. Though his whole body now ached (inside and out) Dan felt his sore eye causing him the most amount of pain, so he went to touch it but winced as his touch sent flutters of sharp feeling up to his brain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2012 ⏰

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