nobody's p.o.v
both sesshomaru and kagome were alone in a cave that was covered by vines and a waterfall, sesshomaru had taken kagome here so that wandering demons wouldn't hurt her even though sesshomaru wouldn't admit it he had feelings for this kagome but was to afraid to tell her.
sesshomaru's p.o.v
*she looks so peaceful when she's asleep, why can't i just tell her how i feel, but what if...What if she doesn't feel the same way about me. I mean really I ended up almost killing her who would what someone like me around.*
Nobody's p.o.v
What sesshomaru didn't know was that kagome also likes him but is to afraid to say it to him, while sesshomaru was in a daze kagome was changing. Soon sesshomaru smelt something different in Kagome's sent it still held her cherry blossom sent but there was a hint of cinnamon *what is going on here her sent is different and her aura feels so familiar but from were?* sesshomaru thought, then out of nowhere kagome started to glow. It was so bright that sesshomaru had to caver his eyes once the bright light was gone and there in the same place kagome was there was a full-demoness, she had on a fighting kimono it was all most similar to sesshomaru but it was green, white, and the belt was red. on her hip rested to twin blades both were the same size as sesshomaru's tenseiga and bakusaiga, the demoness was all most as tall as sesshomaru she is up to his shoulder, and last but no lest she had a black tail and a blue Crescent Moon necklaces with a galaxy gem, and right in the middle of her forehead was yellow sun with a red outline to make it visible.
sesshomaru's p.o.v
* can't be she went missing hundred years ago, but here she is in all her glory. but I still can't believe that the kagome that travels with my half-brother was the same one i knew hundred years ago.* i thought, then her eyes opened they were a sight to behold her eyes that were once brown are now a light blue. *oh how I've missed those eyes*
Kagome's p.o.v (this is before she woke up.)
*mmm...were am I? The last thing I remember was...SESSHOMARU he was there and he...he saved my life, OK I must be dead there's no way sesshomaru would save my life he hates humans.* "he wasn't always like that, back then he used to love humans even enough to save them." "Oh OK that makes se...WAIT WHO ARE YOU!"
~heeee I'm evil 😈😈😈
Who do you think kagome is talking to, will she remember her pass find out soon in chapter four. ~

love me forever (kagome x sesshomaru)
Романтикаinuyasha has done it again and went off looking for kikyo, what happens when kagome is attacked who will save her. Well it's none other then our clod-hearted prince sesshomaru, will a new love form, what secrets are kagome and sasshomaru hiding. rea...