chapter four

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Rebel rose : back form the dead guys, sorry I haven't been updating for awhile but i'm busy.🙏🙏🙏

Inuyasha: yeah because your lazy!


Inuyasha: no need to yell, anyway how come I not in the last chapter?

Rebel rose: because you choose kikyo!

Inuyasha: so can't I have both of them? I mean I like Kagome and kikyo so I should get both girls.

Rebel rose: Inuyasha SIT!!!!!!


Rebel rose: please enjoy chapter four of love me forever, I do not own Inuyasha if i did kagome would be with Sesshomaru instead of inubaka.

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Kagome's p.o.v

"can you tell me who you are please." I have no idea who this girl is she looks no more then five years old, her outfit was a plan black dress with a white tie, sleeves, and wast. she had white long hair with a black crown on top of her head, there were also horns sticking out of the side's of her head to. on her back rested a pair of red dragon wings, overall she looked beautiful, "Kagome do you not remember me?" she asked, *now that I think about is she does look familiar but were have I seen her?* "I guess your memories are still sailed, well we'll fix that now wont we." "Wait what do you mean b...AAAAAAAH!" *what is happening this pain what is she doing to me!?!* "sorry about the pain but it will be over soon beside you'll have your memory's back and that's all that matters." The pain was so much that I all most missed what she said *my...memory's?* and then ever thing what black.

Nobody's p.o.v

Kagome opened her eyes and what she saw was unbelievable, there she was when she was little only she looked different instead of her looking human she looked like a demon. (the same pic of her in chapter three just pretend she looks like a little girl ok.) and the strange part is that she was sitting in someones lap, a young boy who looked no more then ten but what shocked kagome to the bone was that the boy she was with was none other then sesshomaru in all his ten year old glory. *I...I knew SESSHOMARU!!!!!* that was all kagome could think of for the moment that is.

little kagome's p.o.v

it was a lovely day just me and sesshy, alone in the castle gardens. I felt someone nuzzling my neck, "sesshomaru?" "yes koi, is something wrong?" I looked into his golden eyes there was always hope in those and the same eyes that I had fallen for. "sesshomaru if I were to die would you forget about me and find someone else to be your mate?"

nobody's p.o.v

sesshomaru looked at kagome and hugged her like she was going to disappear, kagome's eyes widened at this and also hugged him back "please kagome don't think that no matter what you are the one I chose to my mate, and if you were to die I will not forget you not now not ever. besides without you my life would be meaningless you are the light in my world if you ever die I will follow you into the after life so we can be together forever and ever this I promise you koi." sesshomaru said and was knocked into the ground by a vary happy kagome, she was so happy that she kissed him on the lips. after a while the kiss got deeper soon there were in a tongue war with each other and sesshomaru was the winner they then parted and looked at each other lovingly, but it didn't last long there was a loud noise not far from were they were. someone had broken the wall to the gardens there standing in the big hole was a man his clothes were a dark red kimono with black Sakura flowers covered his kimono, he had long pitch black hair that stopped in the mid section of his back it was also a bit curly skin was a bit pale and his eyes were blood shot red it scared kagome senseless, sesshomaru sensed his soon to be mate scared knowing how kagome is she isn't easily scared so it could only mean that this man was bed news. "HEY YOU, STATE YOUR BUSINESS HERE!" sesshomaru yelled while moving kagome behind him for protection, the man turned around and looked at sesshomaru in the eyes "why were are my manners, allow me to introduce myself my name is Yami onigumo lord of the north kingdom and I have come to ask that princess kagome be arranged to marry my only son naraku, she will make a good mate for him i'm sure of it."

"you shall not have this ones intended mate! leave now." sesshomaru growled at the lord, *how dare he try and take my koi away from me.* sesshomaru felt someone tug at his kimono he looked behind him and saw that kagome was beyond scared now she was shaking, sesshomaru was about to comfort her when he was punch away form kagome and into a tree 'BOOM' "SESSHY!!! oh my kami sesshy are you alright!" asked a wired kagome sesshomaru only grunted as a response, kagome was so scared she didn't noticed her fathers sent.

"YAMI WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Kagome's father lord Toki higurashi said "FATHER, HELP!" kagome yelled as one of lord Yami's guards had kagome in his arm's while another one was holding down sesshomaru, the guard that had kagome also had a sword pressed up against her neck. when sesshomaru saw this he fought even harder to get free so he can save kagome, "now then I must be going wouldn't what the mating ceremony to be delayed any more then it already is, but don't worry you'll see her again if I allow it of cour..." just then kagome started to glow a bright blue and was rising into the sky, light around her got brighter and brighter until poff she was gone, sesshomaru finally got the guard off of him just in time to see kagome disappearing in a blazing ball of light. sesshomaru was heart broken never again will he see her smiling face, kagome was his world after his mom and dad died she was the only person who was there to comfort him when he was down and now she gone. "ka...kagome, KAGOME!!!!" sesshomaru roared to the hoping they bring her back but it never did, that was a hundred years ago and since then sesshomaru became a very cold hearted person but he always hoped that some were kagome was safe and would return to him once again.
:p :) ;)

Rebel rose: yeah I finished another chapter🙌.

Inuyasha: took you long enough wench.

Rebel rose: that's it I'm getting the big guns, Inuyasha say your pray!

Inuyasha: what do you mean big guns?

Kagome: Oh Inuyahsaaa.

Inuyasha: ~looks at kagome with a ears flat on his head~ K...Kagome please don't do it I'm begging you here!

kagome: SIT BOY!!!

Rebel rose: yes suffer Inuyahsa, see you all in the next chapter. and now time to torture Inuyahsa muahahaha!!!

Inuyasha: someone help meeee!

love me forever (kagome x sesshomaru)Where stories live. Discover now