insulin incident

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what Grover said hit me pretty hard But that cant stop me from living my life. after the whole Debacle over the thing living or dying. everyone thought it Best that we Keep it around for study. you know understand how the Things live and adapt, what are their weaknesses, is there any sign of human life remaining stuff like that. I think its a waste of time But who knows, maybe its just my Anger and sadness getting the best of me.

so far its been two days. and I've noticed a lot lately. Grover keeps disappearing into the Music room sometimes wont come out for hours. Lashawn has been sweating like a Pig But Zoe wont let me anywhere near him. Diesel, I don't know what's going on with him but still. its like he has been more protective ever since Noodle died if that's even possible its like he thinks i will Break if he gets at least 2 feet of me.

we all sat in the Teachers office and Grover Storms in and makes a Straight beeline for Barret and Goes for the strangle. Diesel gets in front of me as everyone else Goes to pull Grover from Barret. "hey what's going on!?," Lashwan says. "he's torturing my sister!," Grover says and we all look at Barret as if he had been Bit. Grover lifts up a torch. "you've been Burning Her!?," I yell and he looks at me. "No I've been studying her, that's what we kept her alive for, and it turns out i was right they are afraid to fire," he says Defending himself and my anger Boils." she's not some god damn science Experiment she's a girl," i say and He comes up to my Face. "oh really says the one who was so keen on killing her, says the one who agreed to keep her alive only to Be tested," he says and Diesel comes to my rescue.

"her best friend died she didn't know what she was doing, I doubt any of us could have handled it any better," Diesel says and everyone goes silent. "anyone?," he says. and it still stays silent. Grover Storms back out of the Room and Violet follows. Diesel Grabs my Hand and we Leave too. we go into the teachers lounge and he sighs and Plops onto the couch. I walk over to a couch and start making it. "you have to sleep on that you know," he says. "what you haven't Tucked yourself in Before?," i say. he looks at me confused. "no but it looks painful," he says and a Laugh leaves my lips. "Depends on how you do it," i say. and I sigh. "um Diesel?," I say and he Looks at me the same time I look at him.

"why do you keep protecting me, and defending me?," i say. he shrugs. "I don't know," he says. and he Covers his face and Leaves me with that. I shrug and go to sleep.

I wake up to thumping and Slamming out the door I get up and look over to see Diesel left. I stand up and walk out to see Diesel Punch Lashawn in the face and Lashawn hits the floor " oh my god!," I yell Running to Lashawn's aid. I feel his Temperature. he's really warm. I look at Diesel. "what did you do?," I say. he looks at me and and Back at Lashawn only to ignore my Question. everyone else rounds the corner and Zoe Runs up to him and shoves me. BITCH. I get up and walk off in a pissed off mood. I round the corner only to come up to the school doors and come face to face with a familiar face. "Mary?," I say. she scratches for the door as she sees fresh meat in front of her.

I let out a scream as a hand comes in contact with my shoulder I turn only to have my Screams muffled. I stop screaming when I see Diesel with a worried expression on his face. he lets go of my face when he realizes I'm not screaming anymore. "oh my god Diesel can we make a Deal not to sneak up on each other," I say and he Lets out a small chuckle. I do a mental victory Dance as he laughs but it only lasted a minute. we Both stare at each other and start to lean in slowly only for him to stop. and Step back. "I-I'm sorry I-I don't know what I was thinking," he says and he walks off. my heart shatters.

I stand there until I see Grover. he smiles slightly. I smile and he walks over to me. "you did the Right thing Grover," I say and he looks down. " I don't think I did Dylan," he says as we stare into the Orange Fog. "I think you did if you didn't she would still be at the mercy of Barret," I say and he chuckles." I'm sorry for what I said, you lost your friend i should have understood that it would lead you to doing stupid things," he says. I shake my head. " I believe that's my sorry, I was the one wanting to kill her cause of what she did but I lost sight of who she was to you, to me, to all of us," I say. he smiles at me and hugs me in a Bear hug and I hug Back. "lets go we have to find insulin," He says and I pull away and look at him confused.

"what?," I say and he Shrugs."Lashawn he is diabetic," Grover says and I pull his arm and we start searching. we started in the second floor and Went up to the third. but we found nothing. after about an hour of searching I went down to check on Lashawn I walk into the room to see Zoe in there Hoping he would wake up. "how's he doing?," I say and she looks at me. "Better," she says and she turns her head back to Lashawn. I Sigh and walk away only to bump straight into Barret. I glare at him for a second and walk off. what is his Problem if men had Periods his would be on and off like a sychward. I walk into the Teachers lounge and look through things I Gasp as the door behind me shuts. I look behind me too see Natalie.

"Hey," I say. she Nods. "he's Awake," she says, I gasp and run out and into Lashawn's room. he stands up and invites me into a Bear hug.

(time Skip)

we all sat in the cafeteria and Drank and Laughed. I smiled as Lashawn made a Toast. "to Barret, because of you I'm Alive," he says. and everyone Drinks. "to Everyone we've lost," Grover says. "Mary, Noodle, Lyle, Addy, and Coach," he says and Violet gets up. " lets never forget," she says and she starts writing everyone's name. I smile as she does this and we all get out and go our separate ways. I walk into the bathroom to wash my hands only to realize there is no water.

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