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Roach's POV.

It's been a week since we had our sleepover and i think something happened to them,

because Tyler keeps giving Shope and Kevin some space,

Shope wants to be with Tyler to have a friend to friend conversation must be embarrassing heheh,

and Kevin wants to be closer than usual to Shope,he is even nicey nice to her


Shope's POV.

Why is he following me? It's really creepy and he is acting all nice to me! What's going on with him?

"Shope! Shope where are you going?" he asked nicely

"To my locker,why?"

"Ohh..nothing it's just that...i'm going to there let's go TOGETHER!!!"

then he held my hand and walks to the way to our locker,while doing that i can feel that i am BLUSHING!!!then i looked at him and he is...BLUSHING TOO..same as mine...and because of the blushing and the holding hands thing,everybody and i mean EVERYBODY looked at us and shouted

"Awwwww what a cute couple"
"I think that those 2 are the sweetest thing"
"Look!they're holding each others hands AWWW!!!"

I didn't thought that i could blush that hard i mean i look like a tomato bacause of embarrassment

then i felt his hand squishing mine like a toy,making me look at him and he...he is..SMILING!!!

WHY?Why would he smile? Is it because i look like a tomato? Maybe he is enjoying my embarrassment! Or maybe it's because that we're HOLDING EACH OTHERS HAND!!!!OMG!!

after that thought, i felt his hand again,he is holding it really really tight then let's it go,
I looked at him and he gave me a smile

"Here we are,Shope"

then i realized that we are already at our lockers,after what he said i smiled at him as my "thank you" and opened my locker,

i took everything i needed for our next class and noticed a spare notebook, i thought that since many had happened in this past few weeks i should write them all down,especialy what happened earlier

Then i took the notebook and put it in my bag, after that i locked my locker and looked at Kevin but to my surprize he is gone*frown & exhale*

Where would he be?i thought then someone touched my shoulders from behind and whispered in a ghostly way

"Don't move"

"Ahhhhhhh!!!DON'T HURT ME"
i yelled facing him/her, i didn't even looked if who he/she really is, i was just really scared

"Woah woah! Easy easy! It's just me,Shope"

I opened my eyes slowly and saw Tyler

"What the...TYLER!"

"*laughs* Sorry Shope, i couldn't help it!"

"Ok,apology accepted,just don't do it again,Ok?"

"Ok,so..can we go to our class now,the bell's gonna ring"

I was about to say "sure" but i saw someone,it was...Kevin!..with Amy? Then i pointed it to Tyler making him curious

"Shope!their talking!we have to listen! It might be important!"

he said whisperly and it was obvious that he is nervious

"Ok,but we have to be careful, like you said earlier the bell's gonna ring"

After that we walk slowly to them and finally we can hear them!

Kevin's POV.

"umm..Kevin this is really embarrassing so please understand"

Amy said shyly while blushing and scratching her head

"Ok,so what is it?"

"It's just that uhh...i umm..I-"

she stopped because the bell rang,darn it!i was so very curious about this

"Oh sorry Amy maybe later ok,Shope and the others are waiting for me,bye!"

After that i ran fast and left her then i satted on my chair,i looked at Shope but there were no sign of her,even Tyler,only Roach who is smiling at me

Tyler's POV.

Me and Shope were walking while whispering to our next class where Kevin and Roach is,

"So what do you think about Amy and Kevin?"

Shope said scared,
but why?why do i have this feelings?

feelings that makes me concern and worried for Shope she's just so jumpy and clumsy at times i'm worried that she might hurt herself,well she is the only girl in our group

"I don't know,but actually i really don't care that much"
i lied a little

"Huh...but WHY? I thought you like Amy,i'm i right?"
she said with eyes wide open

"Well it's because i...i mean we don't really know what's going on,maybe she's confessing but maybe she's not"

"Hmm...*thinking* you're right,
I just thought that you might get worried about her confessing to our best friend Kevin"

She whispered to my ear closely making me BLUSH?

"Uhh...Tyler,is there something i said? because you are blushing like really really blushing?"

"What!No!no way! I'm just like this,you know,and you said "Amy" that must be the reason why i'm red!!!" I lied again then smiled at her and continued

"Shope let's just go to our next class"

"*giggles* Fine by me!"

She happily said,making me blush even harder and her giggle is so cute,much more cuter than Amy.....WAIT!WHAT!!

A little bit of SHOVIN and a little bit of TYSHOPE, so do you all like it (^ 3 ^) ♡♡♡

And sorry if i didn't updated this because i thought i already updated this so...sorry sorry sorry ( > ^ < )

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