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Kevin's POV.

It's been a week since i got a little carried away with things and everything is so...broken now!Our friendship's broken,my temper's broken and even my mind and my...h......he...........h..



Roach's POV.

It's been a week....maybe since i last visited Shope,i couldn't visit her because i have to study to help Tyler and Shope to catch up,and i couldn't let Kevin do that because he had to much detension

And i noticed that somethings wrong about Kevin,he's always distracted and does really silly stuffs.....

Like 1 time we saw a girl who looks little bit like Shope because of the hair and glasses then Kevin ran towards her while shouting "Shope!!" and when he realized that it wasn't really Shope,Kevin ran towards me with a really really red face! Good thing i took a video of it,so that i can watch it again and again with Tyler and Shope

I was about to find Kevin when my phone rang and someone is calling and it was Tyler!so i took the call

"Hi Tyler!how's Shope?"

"She's fine,so fine that she can go to school again!!!"

Really!?that's great finally no more weird Kevin

"Ok!i'm so excited to see her and so does Kevin!"


"Yeah?what is it?"

"Do we really...?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's just that...Kevin's the one who know-and i don't want him near Shope"

"Tyler!Kevin is sorry,he didn't mean all of it,he is worried about Shope than everything,i know because he is acting really worried weird since Shope got sended to the hospital"

I interupted him then i heard him signed

"Ok. I just don't want Shope to get hurt again"

"I understand,just...don't ever say that again,ok see you"

Then i hung up

I can't believe that Tyler would say something about Kevin like that?Kevin is very sorry because of what he did!i can see it in his face and even in his action that he's worried about Shope,I'm very pissed because of what Tyler said this is the first time i felt this way it's just that i don't like persons who do that......

Kevin's POV.

Where is that Roach!!good thing it's sunday.....but DAMN IT I'M WAITING AT THE MEADOW FOR 2 FREAKING HOUR!!where is he!

then Roach appeared from nowhere making me fell on the ground

"Oh..come on Roach!"

"Sorry Kevin,i didn't see you"

"Ok so...WHY ARE YOU LATE!!"

Then Roach looked pissed!!What happened to him!?!?

"It's nothing....?"

"Roach!i know that you're lying"

"Ok!Ok!,Tyler called me!!"

"Really what did he say?how is Shope!!"

"Shope is fine,Tyler said that they can go to school tomorrow"


Yes!i can be with Shope again!!! this will be my chance to tell her

Roach's POV.

Kevin seems to be really happy when i said that Shope is fine....could it be that......OH SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH ON SHOPE!!!

"Hey Kevin!since it's just the 2 of us,can i ask you something?"

"Sure,what is it"

"Do you like someone? Shope!!"

Because of nervious.....maybe? He gulped and blush really really bad

"Why so sudden?"

"It's nothing just do you feel about Shope?"

I asked with a really big grin

"How do i feel?"

"Just answer!"

"Ok,just don't tell anyone"

Then i crossed my heart

"Ok,i really really like her,not the friend kind of like,and i think i lo...i lo....lo.....OH WHY IS IT HARD TO SAY LO....."

"you mean LOVE"




"Come on Kevin!it's easy,LO-VE"

"OK,i got this,lo-ve?LOVE!YES i can say it!!"

"Now Kevin,how do you feel about Shope"


He shouted and it echoed through the meadow,i think that he hoped that no one heard it

"so you love Shope!since when?"

"*thinks* maybe....when we first met♡"

"Awwww...everlasting love"

"really??do you mean that?"

"Well yeah!but dude you have to tell her!"

"Huhh?why?let me guess before it's too late?*laughs*"

"Uhh YEAH!"

"Ok,i'm a little confuse and why would it be too late?"

"Because i think Tyler likes Shope too!"

"What do you mean?"

"Tyler called me earlier,and he said that he doesn't want you near Shope!

"Why would he...?"

"Don't you get it!that's why i'm pissed earlier because!Tyler loves Shope too!he doesn't want you to ruin his chances with Shope!"


Kevin's POV.

WHAT!!!so that's why Tyler is all nice to Shope!!!

What he doesn't know is that i love Shope more than him!!!

Hmm...if it's a war he wants then a it's a war he'll get!!!

Ok,isn't this sweet♡Kevin fights for "SHOVIN"Awwwww!!

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