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Shope's POV.

I woke up in a white place!?,WAIT AM I IN HEAVEN!!??
I started to panic until mom and dad hugged me,making me calm...

"Jennifer!!we're glad that you're Ok!"

They said happily then stopped hugging me

"Mom,dad,where am i?"

"You're at the hospital and you've been here...about 4 or 5 days,hon."

They said then looked at the corner and i saw Tyler who is sleeping and mom continue

"Good thing your "friend" over there is really really worried about you,he tooked good care of you while we're at work and while we here,he really cared about you,Jennifer"

Mom said smiling?then dad sat next to me and spoke

"Jennifer,your mom and i are very very proud that you found yourself guy who cares for your health and stays with you because he loves you like your friend did this past few days"

My dad said while patting my head,making me feel.....weird,
Why are they saying that?

"Umm..mom,dad why are you guys saying this kind of things?"

They looked at each other and then to me and then dad spoke

"Jennifer,your mom and i know that this will happen-"

"Dad,just tell me,why are you saying this!?"

I rudely interupted dad,then they started..LAUGHING?!?!

"*laughs* I never thought that my little girl is growing up"

Dad continued then i asked again

"Mom,dad why are you saying things like this?"

Then they stop laughing and their faces are serious again

"Look Jennifer,we know that times like this are going to happened"

Dad said then mom spoke

"Times like friends,parties,sleepovers,and now having a BOYFRIEND"

Then they happily smiled,but me,my jaws dropped

"Mom,Dad ,Tyler is NOT my boyfriend,he is just my friend"

After what i said,mom and dad looked at each other then looks at me like i was lying

"Jennifer,it's Ok to lie-"

"But mom i'm not lying!Tyler is really just a friend"

"Really?is he really just a friend to you?"

"Uhh..Ok best friend?"

I said,because i'm really not sure...Yet!

"Young lady,what is he really to you,so we could know!"

I never thought that mom and dad would be curious about Tyler

"Ok fine,he is more than a friend"

Then they began to smile,but i wasn't finished then i continue

"He is just like a big brother to me,he is always worried about me because i'm the only girl on our group"

Then their smiles faded,making me worried about what are they gonna say

"Oh..we're sorry Jennifer,we just thought that he is your boyfriend,we're just happy that our little girl is not little anymore"

Mom said giving me a kiss on the cheeks then it's dad's turn to speak

"But you know what Jennifer,your friend Tyler is Ok to us"

Ok?to them?what do they mean

"What do you mean dad?i'm a little confuse"

"What i mean is,if you ever change your mind about your friend,it's Ok,we already accept him"

I think my head's gonna explode because of embarrassment and i can feel my cheeks are burning like i'm blushing!but why!why would they accept Tyler,what have he done to made them happy?

"Dad,mom,i wonder what did Tyler do to make you all accept him?"

I asked them while giving them the puppy eyes


Shope's Dad and Mom's POV.

We got a call from the principal that our little Jennifer is in the hospital!!!

That's why we rushed to there then to our daughter's room,we felt scared and terrified but it changed

because inside Jennifer's room we saw her friend (Tyler)who's looking after her,we saw it in his eyes that he is really worried,we kept watching from outside the door's window and what we saw made us proud

Jennifer's friend (Tyler) took good care of everything,

he checked the room's temperature if it's way hot or way cold for our resting daughter,

And he even talked to the doctor for us,to know if Jennifer's gonna be fine.

All he did is what a responsible guy who loves our Jennifer would do,that's why we accepted him already......
Because he did a responsible job looking after Jennifer with a lot of love...

Shope's POV.

"That's why we accepted him....."

They finished explaning then looks at me happily then continued

"Jennifer,we'll talk to the doctor,if you're Ok to go home,Ok hon."

They said while hugging me then left..making me realize

Did Tyler really did all of that?..
For ME...!?!?

Then i looked at him.well more like stared at him for half an hour and noticed that he is waking up.......then looks at me..

I notice that there are more SHOVIN,So in the next chapter there will be more TYSHOPE,OK♡♡

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