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The Letter That Was Never Meant To Be Sent is based on, well my life. Rhys is real and my friend did give me the idea of writing a 'letter' to him. Enjoy :)


Prologue –

 ‘What’s happened?’ Emma asked me. I went round her house and we were sitting on her pink double bed. I looked down into the coffee she had just handed me trying to look for patterns in the cream.

‘The same,’ I sighed, giving up on trying to make the cream look like something it wasn’t and took a sip.

‘Kat, when are you just going to delete him from your life? Honestly, time after time he hurts you. Who is it this time?’

How? How did she know he had cheated again? I didn’t even say he was cheating. ‘Lorna.’ I went back to staring at the coffee. I couldn’t face Ems look. I knew she was right, I should just delete him. From my phone, facebook, Skype. Everything. But how could I? It’s not just clicking a button. It’s saying goodbye to all the memories, to all the new memories you could create and I couldn’t say goodbye to the hope that he could change.

‘Right,’ Emma got of the bed and went to her desk. She came back with a pad and a pen. ‘I know you can’t . . . won’t delete him from your life, so what you are going to do is one of them letters. Where you get out all of your feelings but never send it. My mum done it with her boyfriend and it seemed to work with her.’ She said handing me the pad.

I put my coffee on the side. ‘Didn’t they split up?’

‘Yeah but not the point, it’s about telling him what a dick he is without actually telling him he’s a dick.’

‘Ok I’ll do it.’ I stared at the blank page, what do I say? How do I start it? I drew some swirls still thinking.

‘I’ll leave you to it,’ Emma walked over to the door, walked out and shut it behind her. Sitting in the silence things came flooding back to me. All the times he hurt my feelings. All the snarky comments he made. All the times he put some slag above me. Suddenly my blank page with doodles was turning into a letter of feelings that had built up over the past four months. The pen spilling out all the times I called Em and moaned at her instead of actually telling Rhys how I felt. Telling him that he should keep it in his pants if he wanted to stay with me.


A soft tapping made my head look up to the back of the door. I just finished reading over my ‘letter that is never meant to be sent’. ‘Finished?’ Emma asked poking her head around the corner. I lifted you the double sided page of my thoughts. ‘Good, feel better?’ she asked while sitting next to me.

‘Kinda,’ I said as I folded the letter and put it in a sealed envelope.  No one was ever going to read it and I wasn’t just about to throw away my feelings, I’ll hide it somewhere when I get home. I put the envelope in my bag and faced Emma.

‘One Veggie and one Pepperoni?’  She was already dialling Dominos. This is what best friends are for, advice and pizza.





You know you want to :')

The Letter That was Never Meant To Be SentWhere stories live. Discover now