Chapter 12 - Killua?

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"I guess I didn't really go well today..."
I gave a half-smile to the boy laying in the hospital bed, with his leg in plaster.
"I failed so badly..." he mumbled.
"Don't worry! You're still learning remember?" I tried to cheer him up.
"But Gon... How am I gonna train with my leg like this??!! How can you break every bone in your body and heal in a month?!"

I remembered the final phase of the hunter exam...
You know... Where I fought that bald ninja.
"I guess even you fail, right Gon?"
"I didn't lose to him!" I muttered.
"Then why were you knocked out?"
I stood up and folded my arms.
"Because I kicked his ass so hard, I broke every bone in my body doing so."
He laughed.

"That's really believeable!"
"But Gon... How is it with your friends? The ones you met at the Hunter exam..."
I wiggeled my nose a bit.
"Oh! you mean Kurapika and Leorio!"
I giggled.
"Wasn't there another one...?" Yusuke softly said.
I folded my arms and tried to think, despite the fact I'm not so good in using my head...
"Well, there were others I talked to... But it were Kurapika and Leorio I sticked with the most! I haven't talked to Kurapika in a while since he's so busy... But Leorio opened a hospital free of charge! That's amazing of him

Yusuke stared out the window.
"Very cool." Yusuke answered.
Gon got out of his chair.
"I'm going to the toilet, i'll be back soon 'kay?"
"I'll wait here! Not like I can leave anyway heh."
I closed the door of the room Yusuke was laying in and took my first step to the bathroom.

"Out of the way!"
Nurses ran through the hall pulling an hospital bed right behind them, and when they ran past me, I could get a glimpse of snowy silver hair, that made me somehow feel nostalgic.
"Woah, must be a heavy accident..."
Not being able to control my curiosity, I slowly followed the nurses to where they were headed.

When I stood in front of the door, I could catch a glimpse of what they were doing inside, since they left the door a bit open.
"What happend to him?"
"He fell out of the car, he was apparently leaning against the door and then it flew open, not to forget that the car was going quite fast..."
"And he managed to survive that?! This is a miracle..."

I looked at the nameplate on the wall next to the door, curious about who they were talking about...
I turned around in suprise to find Yusuke sitting behind me in a rollchair.
"Y-yusuke! What are you doing out of bed?"
"Well, you were gone for a while and I got worried so I went to check the restroom, but you weren't there... But more important... What are you doing here?"

 What are you doing here?"

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