When the best friends Killua and Gon are having a fun day, a bird flies by with a messags for Killua.
He needs to immediatly go back to his home.
He doesn't know why and he isn't looking forward to it either.
But it seemed really important.
As soon...
"1004, 1005, 1006..." "Ehehe." I enjoyed my present from Gon while sitting on his back. "Killua, I agreed that the loser has to do 1500 push-ups... But I don't remember you saying anything about sitting on the losers back!" I took a last bite. "less talking more push-ups! It's my birthday so I don't have to tell you right away~"
"killuaaaa! 1020... 1021..." Then he fell, and the weight of my body gave it even a bigger impact. I shook his body. "Are you trying to say that you can shoot a big ball with an destructive force but that you can't do 1500 push-ups with me sitting on your back?!" "Well, those two are different things..."
Aunt Mito knocked on the door and came in. "Boys! Dinner is ready, hurry up and go do- what are you two doing?" Gon wanted to lift his head but I placed my hand on his head so he couldn't. "Strength training." I answered. "Alright then... Well, dinner is ready so wash your hands and go downstairs." "Haaaii" We both answered.
I stood up. Gon immediatly got on his knees and began stretching his arms. "Aaaaah, air!" "Hey, wanna see who gets down first..?" I said with a cat expression. He stood up. "No way! You'll probably tell me to do 2000 push-ups with rocks on my back!" "I don't know what you're talking about~"
We sat down at the dinnertable. "Oh, that looks good Mito-san!" "Thank you very much Killua, enjoy the food." "Itadakimasu!" I suddenly froze. What is this taste My tung began to burn It can't be... I could hear Gon giggeling.
He didn't... "You ate so much sweet chocolate, I thought maybe I'll put tomething hot in your food..." he said. HOT PEPPERS "Oh, I forgot you didn't like hot peppers..." I gave him a death glare.
"When you're done with eating, go take a bath alright?" "But we want to go into the woods later." Gon answered. Aunt Mito shook her head. "You kids never get tired do you?" We both smiled innoncently.
Gon and I walked into the woods. Because of the night, it was hard to see where you were walking. And Gon walking towards a tree was one of those examples. "Itai!" He rubbed his forehead.
"Are you okay?" "Ehehehe, I'm alright." "You will fall of an cliff if you don't look out you know." I helped him stand up. "Ah, but you will be there to save me right?"
That stupid Gon. He doesn't know what his words do to me. How high they make me wanna jump. "I rather watch you fall to your death." "That's so mean killua!" The clouds that moved away from the moon made it possible for me to see his face, illuminated by the moonlight.
He was smiling. That warm smile that makes my heart wanna explode. And so I realized I was still holding his hand. I instantly let go and shoved my hands in my pockets. "Anyway, lets walk further into the woods and see if we catch a glimpse of a big animal or something..."
"Sure!" So we walked on till he suddenly stopped. "Killua." I turned my face to him. "Yes?" "Do you wanna meet Ging?" His question suprised me. "Your father? Why of all the sudden?"
Gon looked at his feet. "Well, I wanted him to see the most important person to me." Oh goodness Gon. I can't tell if he's naturally so damn cute or if he's prentending. I looked away, I didn't want him to see my flustered face. "Uh, sure..." "Really? When shall we go?"
I opened my mouth to answer him, but suddenly a mid-large bird came in between. "Ah! A bird!" It was not a normal bird, the bird belongs to my family. I saw a letter, stuck to the leg of the bird. a letter from home?
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