Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

After the school anouncements I had to talk to Peter. I instantly checked the Student Council Office, that's where he usually hangs out. The voice of that girl was just undescribable. It was absolutely gorgeous and unforgettable in a way.

The door was open so I didn't even knock, not like I needed to. "Hey Peter!" I hollered.

I saw his head pop out under one of the tables. "Yeah?" he quickly replied. "I have to talk to you about something. Very 'important'!" I said emphasizing important.

"What is it?" he asks, he picks up a pile of paper and dumps it into the recycling bin. "About the girl. And her voice." I said bluntly. He is taking too long to give me answers.

"Well, I think I know what you want. I'll tell you the whole thing." he trails off.

"Well, yesterday as usual our ghost-hunter freak friend Dexter had his recorder open all day to make sure if he had caught on tape ghost voices. Sadly he didn't but when he listened to the record he was able to hear that voice. He said that he thinks he was able to record the voice by his locker which is in front of the Music Room. Though his not that sure.

And I think you'll ask how he didn't hear it, he had earphones blasting off The Fray." he said laughing the part of The Fray, I never knew Dexter had a good taste in music though.

"Thanks for the information Peter! I'm 30 minutes late for Mr. Higgins the dude is gonna kill me!" I exclaimed and I made my way to my first class.

I opened the door and I hear a few dreadful reactions. "Mr. Styles! Late once again! Head to your seat!" Mr Higgins yelled. It's early in the morning and his shouting at me already. Can he give me a break?

I scanned the room for empty seats and quickly saw one next to Dean, well besides his in the front row but then I thought for sure Mr. Higgins will have his eyes out for me. For all I know his like a vulture, he would eye me out like his prey until his ready to attack. Then I saw a girl staring at me.


My attention darted to the seat beside her, only her bag was occupying it and I believe she wouldn't mind if I sit there. I made my way and grabbed her bag and shoved it into her hands. I took my seat and threw my bag on the floor, it was nearly empty anyway.

"Hey Ariana!" I beamed at her and she smiled at me, but it wasn't like her usual awkward smile, it seemed like forced.

She just returned to what she was doing, I can't helpt but stare at her. Her used to be red hair changing to brown but I guess she's going to get it dyed again. Her dimples and awkward smile that I got used to before was nowhere to be seen.

All I can see in her face was fear and nervousness but what would she be scared about?

After awhile I managed to look at her once more and I laughed quietly at what she had drawn. "Am I that ugly?" I asked her and she gave me a confused look.

"Look at your drawing" I pointed at her masterpiece and she looked so embarrassed her cheeks flaming a bright color red and her face held a bit shock too.

But before I could hear her answer the bell had rung. Stupid bell! She stood up and started packing her stuff and crumpled the drawing and leaving it on the desk. As she walked out I picked up the drawing and stuffed it into my pocket and I grabbed my bag and slinged it on one of my shoulder.

She was a few meters away from the door when I grabbed her wrist, "Ariana" I chimed.

"What?!" she seemed so angry at me, like he was fumming. I slammed her against the locker and my face was merely a few inches away from her. I can hear her breath hitch and of course I was bringing attention.

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