Another Time (1)

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It has been at least five years since my last encounter with Vila. I went about this the wrong way. For five years people lost respect for me and soon after that I was told that I was kicked off the force. I was supposed to stay away from a gun for as long as lived but I don't listen. As long as I live, I will hunt Vila until she's dead. For five years I have looking for a way to find and kill Vila and today is that day. My good friend has made a device that can take me back to any given time and do anything as long as I don't run into myself. What I mean by that is if I run into myself it can shatter the time line and everyone with it. I use the blimps to get to place to place faster. My friend named Scott, he looked like he had long gray hair and dust all on his face, but he has never tested this type of thing on me without a full test with countless things. As I walk into Scott house I saw her, Villa so close. Scott said as I walk in,

"Oh hello, how have you been today?"

Scott was cawing and scared and looked like he was going to cry. Seeing the gun that Vila was holding I yelled to her.

"What is the meaning of this, put the gun down now!"

She simply smirked. I looked at the contraption Scott had made. It was activated. This thing looked like a doorway that was shader blue and chrysler and never ending. Vila asked

"What does that thing do?"

my friend looked at me and said to her.

"this machine can take you to any time at any place"

she looked at me, an evil grin on her face. Then, without hesitation, she shot scott in the gut. I ran up to him yelling. My friend looked at me and was bleeding out. He said to me

"Go and get her. And take her down."

" No I can't leave."

He pointed to a wooden desk and said

"take everything that is in there. There are two guns. One does lots of damage but has one shot and one is a revolver, good luck my friend"

he took his last breath and died i said

"I will avenge you."

I did as he said and grabbed the guns and the ammo but at the corner of my eye some sort of outfit caught my eye. It was black with a gold rim. It look like some officers uniform it had a note that said "I hope that this will help. From your friend scott" I was ready to go and kill Vila. Before I jumped into the machine I looked at scott and decided to give him a proper burial and made a vow by cutting my hand and said,

"by my blood I will avenge you if I fail you i will never forgive myself."

I was going to I grab a sword that i had for more than five years but i was never able to use it it had a skull on it a little skull and it was red. I jumped into the portal and the time stream was green in it I thought that it was going to be blue but it wasn't. I saw different time lines that i have never seen before. Vila could have gone in any one but i guess you have to set a timeline that you want. Apparently she forgot to set a different timeline before she left and it look's like i was going to land. Once i landed, I looked around me and it was medieval time but it was different than i expected. Everyone was suffering i walk up to someone and ask

"hey what is going on?"

he look at me and said

"you don't know it has been seven years ever since the new queen took over. How do you not know?"

I look at everyone and said to the man,

"what is the new queen's name?"

he had a scared nervous look on his face


i ran as fast as i could and then I stopped to take a break. I thought to myself

"how has it been seven years. It was only two hours. But I must move fast."

As I started walking some guards yelled to me "you stop". I ran as fast as i could. When I looked back, they were catching up to me. I saw some building that have been destroyed next to a building that was untouched I jumped onto broken wood and jumped to the top of it and landed on the roof of the good building and just keep running jumping from roof to roof it feels like home again then i look back there was no one behind me. I stopped, breathless. It looked like all the citizens were striving. I wanted to help them but if i go down there, I might end up dead. It seemed that the safest place is up here on this house but had stay here forever. I had to move. It seemed that the only way to go was at that first southwest of here but before i went into it, I blacked out. I woke up in a dark cell. I looked up and saw her. It was Vila. She was on the opposite side of the bars. I got up on my feet, I was in prison rags. I yelled to her,

"I am going to kill you for what you've done."

She was standing in a fancy dress with pearls going all over it. She looked at me and said in her sweetest voice,

"you are the one that got yourself in this mess you could have just stayed behind in the future."

I looked around and saw no one she said

"i asked them to leave us alone so we can talk".

"kill me"

she looked at me and said,

"that could be arranged."

In that instant, a ball of mud sailed over my head and hit Vila's dress. She looked at her dress and screamed. I sarcastically said

"what is wrong did something happen to your dress".

She glared at me before heading down the corridor yelling at her guards. This was my time to escape and get out of here but how was the question. I looked at the cell it was escape proof. As I look for a way out I look at the bars that were making me limited on movement. There were six bars, Typical cell type. I shook some of the bars but none were loose but one. It seemed that the one way out of the cell was throw the loose bar. I got a running start and ran at it, it didn't break, but it was more lose. I did the maneuver several times before it broke. I made sure that the bar didn't fall on the grand without making too much noise. I ran out of the cell and headed for the army it was the dead of night. I looked at the grand tower, the guard there didn't take notice of me. I looked at the army, I was at least fifteen feet away from where my stuff was in a black box and the way that I know, all of the weapons were in red boxes that black box has everything that i need but the courtyard was filled with guards. At the best time I ran. If I lost a lot of time, I couldn't tell. Grabbing the black box i saw that the box had a keyhole then thinking to myself
"Great. Why wouldn't they lock the box?"

The key hole looked like a key that only a guard would have. I had to take one out. The guards had a thick armor it seem that i had two options, slice one throat, or snap his neck. I had decided to snap his neck. I got closer to a guard I was five feet away. The faster I kill him, the better. I came up to the man guard and said

"the prisoner has escaped keep an eye out for him"

I knew that second that they were talking about me. I got closer to the guard and went in for the kill. I grabbed the guard by the legs and made him look like he was sleeping he had the key it was golden with a ring at the end it. It looked like it would fit the hole in the black box. I got back to the black box and put the key in the keyhole. It fit like a glove. I opened the box there was my gun's, my ammunition, and my uniform. I put it on and pulled out my guns. Hopefully it'd be enough to fight my way out of here should it come to that. I kept my guns at the ready and snuck around the guard. Careful to watch my footing. As I was about to make the clearing, the bells went off and I could hear rumbling of footsteps getting closer to where I was. I did the only thing I could, I ran for it. I didn't care if they saw me, I just wanted to get out of there. And judging by the size of the army, it was going to be a long and difficult night.

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