Understanding Almost Everything

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Chapter 9


Looking back across the table to the couple that found me I asked politely “Do you have any aspirin or anything? It’s just my head is killing me from where I hit it” looking down I start to mess with the end of my shirt “also do you have a room I can take a sleep in? I’m really tired and it might help..” I didn’t say anymore knowing they knew what I was talking about. Looking back up and smiled. The nice lady slightly nodded her head as she pushed herself from the table and walked out of the kitchen. A minute later she walked back in with a pill bottle and handed me two pills and a glass of water. Tilting my head back I swallow the two pills and finish the water, I handed her back the glass and gave her a “thank you”.

Walking towards the door again she turned to me “right this way and ill lead you to an.. extra room we have” following after her I nod and keep quiet. We stopped at a door and tuned to me giving a weak smile, but when she went for the door she hesitated and sighed but pushed the door open in the end. Walking through I noticed it was a young boys room, looking back to ask her about it I noticed she was gone. Pulling the blanket back and laying down I decided that I would ask when I woke back up.


After leaving Trevor in his old room I walk back to James in the kitchen, sighing I went and sat on his lap as he wrapped an arm around my waist. “I know we can’t tell him anything but.. Should have we let him drop Trevor here?” I couldn’t help but to feel bad lying to him. Looking back over to James, he let out a breath “we shouldn’t have.. but we can’t throw him back out now” nodding my head I lean back into my husband’s arms and sigh.

“I never thought we would see him again” starting to tear up I close my eyes as a single tear escapes. James tightens his hold around me and nuzzles his face into my neck “I know baby.. just stay strong. He’s not ours anymore, but we can call his parents so they t least know he is alive and well”. Nodding my head I turn to look at him “but if they come to pick him up that.. that man will do something to Riley!” crying hysterically now, James picks me up and sits me down and kneeling in front of me “ no one is going to touch our little girl, okay?” leaning in, he wipes my tears and hugs me tight.


Jayme did not have to go through all of that just because her so called ‘best friend’ told her parents that she was….a slut? Parents should never just assume anything about their child. I’m holding Jayme and she is just crying into me and is still so strong, no one knows what she has to go through but yet they judge her.

After awhile I sigh and whisper to Jayme “Jayme, I know you’ve heard this a million times before but, if  you want to talk I’m all ears and don’t be shy about anything.” Hoping she won’t get mad. She backs up, I close my eyes because I know that I just said something she didn’t want to hear, I wait for her to scream or hit me but it didn’t come. I open my eyes to a soft cold touch and I look into her eyes she smiles and mouths “I’m fine” I can’t help but smile. I get up and help her, we go back to her room and she goes and lies down on her bed, I didn’t want to get her in anymore trouble so I just sat on the floor with my head in my hands replaying everything that just went on. I shudder at that and that’s when I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up into eyes of hatred of Jayme’s mother. Looking down to her hand I noticed he had a lamp and the next thing I knew I was hitting the floor calling out “Jayme! Jayme…” until black had finally consumed me.

Sitting up screaming in a puddle of sweat, the nice couple that found me came running in  “Trevor is everything alright? What happened? Are you feeling okay?” the lady asked me. Looking at her confused “how do you know my name?” surprise washed over her face “Jenny.. can I talk to you outside?” Jenny and her husband walked out of the room and left the little girl with me. Smiling at me she asked “Are you my brother that got taken away from mommy and daddy?” watching a she jumps on the bed i answer “um, no I’m sorry. I don’t kn-“ once I started to reply to her I looked around the room and noticed pictures… pictures of me as a kid all of the room, hearing the door open I turn my gaze to Jenny and her husband. Getting up angry I walk over to Jenny and her husband “What the heck is this!? How do you know me and why do you have pictures of me? Also how did I get here?” After my yelling I looked over to Riley to see her holding her ears and felt guilt wash over me.

“I’m sorry, it’s just a bad day and when you see this” pointing around the room “you freak out a bit” looking back at Jenny I see her glossy eyes and she runs and hugs me. “If we tell you this please don’t hate anyone” Jenny’s husband says. Nodding my head I reply “okay”. Walking out of the room and down to the kitchen, I sit down across from Jenny and her husband, grabbing Riley I sit her on my lap “okay, so who are you” I look towards them. Sighing Jenny answers “I am Jenny and this is my husband James, we are your adoptive parents” looking back at them with wide eyes I shake my head “that can’t be I live with Delilah and Zyan, my parents” Jenny and James looks at each other.

This time it was James that spoke “they gave you up saying it was going to be too hard raising a child and working every day. So, we adopted you and when you were around 5 they took you back, we were devastated” letting everything go through, I asked the question that has been on my mind since I woke up “how did I get here?” swallowing Jenny spoke up “Gabriel” looking back at her with wide eyes I swallow “J.. Jayme’s dad” nodding her head I asked “how do you know him?” James whispered in Jenny’s ear and she nodded getting up and grabbing Riley I look at James as he spoke “they just went inside don’t worry, and we know Gabriel because he’s the one that helped us get you”. Nodding I told him “I want to go home, to my parents. I don’t care about Gabriel, please take me home”.

** 3 hours later**

Driving into the well familiar driveway I sigh and smile happy to be home. Jenny and James understood that I couldn’t stay, so they brought me home and I told them that I would stay in contact because they did take care of me. Getting out of the car I lead them up to the door and knocked. A few minutes later the door opened and my mom was in the door way, sock took over but quickly went away when she caught Jenny and James behind me “mom, don’t and lets go inside” I told her as I let Jenny, James and Riley walk in. Calling my dad I let them into the dining room where we all sat down.

“Where have you been son? We’ve been worried sick” sighing I answered “Jenny and James said Gabriel dropped me off there, I remember Jayme’s mom knocking me out with a lamp and that’s all”. Nodding they called the cops over for me to tell them my story. Watching as my parents and adoptive parents walk to the door I call out “Riley!” she came running to me and I caught her, picking he up I hug her “yes riley, I am your big brother” she giggled and smiled. Putting her  down I hug Jenny and James and wave goodbye and make my upstairs  to sleep.

Tomorrow is going to be a long hard day, especially since I know I left my phone at Jayme’s. I hope she’s not mad. Walking into my room I undress in only my boxers and climb into bed, scooting closer to the wall I start to feel legs and a body. Throwing off the covers I find a sleeping Jayme in my bed with dry tears on her cheeks. Gently I start to snake my arms around her and pull her to me fast and tight. Feeling her squirm I look up and smile but that’s gone once she slaps me, letting go I hold my cheek and look at her. Slowly she reaches out to me not sure if she’s dreaming, so I lean in and kiss her cheek hugging her tight and she finally hugs me back crying whispering in her ear “it’s alright Jayme I’m here and safe lets sleep and we’ll talk tomorrow”. Laying down I pull her to me letting her rest her head on my chest and hold her. Kissing her head I let sleep take me nuzzled up to her smiling. Finally I’m where I belong.

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