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  • Dedicated to To that Douche Guy✌

Dear You,

My, your's is quite a tale, isn't it? The way you're number was the chosen one for my friend to prank call.  As I look back now, I quite wish she had never gave it to my friend.

It was a dark, September night....

We were all huddled up in the bleachers by the tennis court. You introduced yourself in your deep, radio voice. I hadn't expected such a harmonious bass coming from such a stickily creature as you. You weren't what society called 'sexy', but that wasn't to say you were a hideous thing.

We exchanged numbers that night. It was a new year, a new start, and the thought of having a new friend, especially a guy in an older grade, thrilled me. I could already picture the amazing things this would bring.

I was so wrong.

Well... maybe not entirely.

There we were, off to the side of the walkway and unnoticed by the hurrying people trying to get to their cars. It seems as if after every football game, the stadium is set on fire and people are attempting to make a dash for their lives. I was very close to you speaking the digits- not because I liked you, but I was just a flirt. You were kind, and later that night we became friends on a little well-known place called Facebook.

Looking back I realized that was a sign you were interested.

We texted all night till I became tired and up till the next day. You were so interesting, so different from other guys. You were an individual, weird, quirky, and didn't give a frick frack about what anyone thought or said about You. You were You. You had amazing stories to tell, and asked me questions, commenting on things I said and making me smile. I'm sure the people in Starbucks thought I was crazy for smiling like that.

It wasn't till Spirit Week/Revival came around however, that I began to develop feelings for you. I asked if we could sit together in Revival, seeming that my friends didn't make too much of a good company. So we did.

Your friends gave you looks as you introduced me and all. Later, I would find out just how weird that was for them to see you with another girl.

I found out too late though.

So there we sat, in those old metal chairs. Your cologne was intoxicating, a drug. The richness of it was so unique to others that have graced the presence of my nostrils. I loved it. Later, it became my drug.

Isn't it funny how I can still remember the smell even tonight as I'm typing this?

We found ourselves leaning close to each other, me unintentionally. Our shoulders would touch. I liked that. You liked it too, but pulled away when you realized how awkward that might be. You'd whisper funny things to me about the speaker, seeing as the two of you didn't get along too well. I'd smile, trying to hold my laughter in.

At the very end of it that day, I took your plastic bracelet off to play with it. You let me, and I could tell you liked it when our hands touched. I did too.

Fast-foward to homecoming. You couldn't find me that day to sit with since I was in the parade with the other volleyball players, so no You that day at Revival. I still had hope though, knowing I'd see you at our pep rally and at the game that night. The way your eyes scanned the crowd of my grade, looking for my face, is something I will never forget. Disappointment then flashed, seeing as you had been so careless as to not check the bottom row.

That night at the game, we hung out with the friend that had started all this. It was us two on the bleachers by the tennis court again, not hearing a word she said seeing as we were too busy looking at each other. You took my hand in yours and began to play with my ring. You said it was overly large and something else that I've forgotten.

I'm glad I did.

Other things happened that night. It was then the populars started to realize there might be something between us. The little five year old 'married us' after proclaiming we liked each other. Caught off guard, I quickly denied it. You said nothing. That night I was sorry that I must've hurt you by saying that. 

Now, I could care less.

Other things happened that will be kept between us. The sweet messages we shared I shall always cherish, no matter how cold they may be now.

The memories make me happy.

I wish I could go back.

We were never official. I was constantly pressured if I liked You. I just said we were friends.

What a laugh.

You had been consistent on your invitations to your church. Seeing as it was right across from my house, I came.

That night is the last good memory I have of you.

Your concern for my safety in walking home was so cute. Heck, you even offered a ride. I could manage though. 

Friday came.

That was the worst Friday of my life.

The bell had just rung. I was out for the weekend and in one of those "on top of the world" moods. I was in one of the best moods of my life.

Until she approached me.

It was the same girl who was the doing of our meeting. She was your best friend and a close one of mine.

She informed me of the news You no longer liked me.

No sign, no warning.

At first, I thought she was lying. She had to be! This was all some sick joke, right? Maybe this was just some premature Halloween thing.

It felt like a rock sunk to my stomach. Although my mind was in a whirl, I decided to text you and act as if nothing was wrong.

You probably ended things in the most douchiest way possible.

I may have forgiven you, but there will always be a part that hates me.

You ruined things for me and another guy.

You made me emotionally unstable.

You're lucky I had good friends who were there to pull me through.

You made me stronger.

You made me wiser about becoming too emotionally attached.

You were not who I thought you were. At all.

Although, the memories still make me happy.

I wish I could go back.

It's just a little worst when you 'dumped' me for someone else, you know?



And now as I sit here today, in the shirt that I wore that Wednesday night, listening to a commercial for your favorite coffee shop,

I'm reminded of you once again.

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