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Video by MaskedNight

Hi. It's Damien. I'm simply going to be editing this and make it more fluffier than I initially intended.


Jackson lives in the suburban gated community ever since moving there with his family five years ago. 

In Jackson's old town he was popular and had many friends but when he move he had to conform to a different style of living.

The neighbourhood residents were friendly however there were not many children his age to socialize with and Jackson felt like he could not live an unsocial life.

It was not even a week yet and he was already begging his parents to leave the dreaded place. All he ever did to pass time was to go jogging while listening to music. He felt like he would not be able to go survive the summer in the place. 

Pleading to his parents was a waste of time because all they told him was to find a friend."How am I supposed to find a friend in a place where everyone is almost in their grave already. No offense." was his reply. That evening he was walking along the sidewalk on his side of the street just listening to music and kicking random stones out of boredom when a boy approached him.

"Hi," the boy said. He was wearing a black hoodie whose pockets his hands were in. He looked quite young, Jackson was guessing they were about the same age but he was a bit taller." You new in this neighborhood I'm guessing?" he inquired.

"Oh hi, Yes I just moved here last week." Jackson replied politely plucking his ear phones from his ears.

"By the way I'm Namjoon, nice to meet you and welcome to the neighborhood." the boy smiled sweetly causing the dimples on his cheeks to show prominently.

"Yeah I live right here." Jackson pointed to the house behind him. "Thanks though."

"Oh really. I live in that house right over there." Namjoon said pointing to the house slightly diagonal to where they were standing at the moment.  "We were away on vacation for a week, if you're thinking that you have never seen me around here since-hehe!" he chuckled good naturedly causing Jackson to smile along.

"I was wondering if there anyone around here under the age of fifty." Jackson retorted.

"Yeah....it's just me!" Namjoon huffed heavily "But I survived."

"Well I'm here now."Jackson said shyly, even though everyone who knows Jackson knows that he is an extroverted person he become quit shy upon meeting new people.

"So do you wanna come over to play sometimes?" Namjoon held his breath hoping the other would agree.

"Yeah definitely." Jackson answered enthusiastically smiling broadly "I have game consoles and the latest games. Wanna play?"

"Sure why not? But I have to be back before dinner, my mother wants me to unpack my things early."

The two boys went to Jackson's house where they played video games for the rest of the evening until the sky became noticeably darker. When Namjoon got up to leave he turned and asked Jackson " Hey Jackson how old are you?I'm fourteen. You?"

"I'm thirteen. So that means that you're older than me."

"Ere...yeah I guess so." Namjoon chuckled. "Okay bye." He waved to the younger before leaving. 


That was five years ago when they just met. During that time they became really good friends. 

Currently, it was the beginning of summer. No school for two months! The boys like any other student were excited for the time off books and angry teachers' faces. Jackson now at the age of eighteen slumped back on the bean-bag chair in Namjoon's room. Namjoon was now nineteen years old. The sun outside was a searing hot temperature.

"Damn this sun is going to  melt these chocolate abs of mine." Jackson slurred his word lazily while lightly slapping his tummy.

"What chocolate abs are you talking about? Do you mean that giant beach ball you call a stomach. Please the only thing you need  to do with that thing is deflate it." Namjoon scoffed playfully. He was writing a schedule for their summer activities, as always Namjoon liked to be prepared. 

Jackson pouted "Well can you please explain to me why there is a hippopotamus living on  you." Jackson felt good about his comeback and snickered quietly.

"Mmmm... child you need you get a life." Namjoon said feeling a little defeated. "Allll-right!" he held up a piece of paper with a fully planned out chart. 

"What the... can you explain the gibberish you have on that paper? Normal people like me don't understand rocket science." 

" You see that's why us geniuses have to make everything FOOL proof."Namjoon made sure to emphasise the word fool. He smiled sweetly "Dude this summer is going to be lit!" 

"Not if you're going to be using that thing." Jackson stated curtly, sitting up and pulling his shirt over one arm so that most of his upper body was now exposed; sweat now glistening on his perfectly chiseled abdomen. " My schedule entails the most important part of summer gi-"

"Girls, girls,girls. Yeah I know Jackson, but with this we will actually get a shot at getting laid." Namjoon Interrupted. 

"Why does this feel so familiar to me somehow, like it happened before...oh yeah I remember spring break 2016 and I quote by the all mighty Namjoon: we will meet the hottest girls and get laid this spring trust me Jackson,fast forward to summer, I'm still a virgin."Jackson finished dryly. "You know hyung I think we should just be spontaneous sometimes. You know let your hair down and pull out that stick you have up your ass all the damn time... and I love you don't kill me."

Namjoon sat there with a blank bored expression on his face " You finished there yet?" he breathed irritatedly " Well this time I actually calculated this-"

"Calculated? Well you know it's boring when you start talking about maths."

"Oh for god sake Jackson can you be quiet for ten seconds and hear me out. 

Jackson opened his mouth obviously eager to respond to his hyung but instead yield to  the older's wishes.

"Ten? Good. There is no way in god's name that this would not work, trust me.... okay don't but at least try it out. We'll get-"

"Alright ten seconds are up. Now back to me."

"Ahh." Namjoon groaned in frustration.

"Woo hyung, no need to turn hulk on me. Come to think of it now I see why your hair was green a few months ago.  Anyways back to the matter at hand: 1, ditch that thing; 2, don't use the god's name in vain; and 3, don't talk to me until you lose your V-card." Jackson winked.

"Jackson sometimes I wonder what my life would have been with you." Namjoon sighed.

"Boring." Jackson leaned back biting his nails nonchalantly "You know what let me  see that thing." he asked for the schedule sheet.

Namjoon hesitated but ended up giving him anyways due to a very persistent Jackson."Mmm... Really hyung?" he rolled his eyes. " I have a really bad feeling about this but... I'll try this ish." Jackson smirked getting up and walking to the door.

"Oh Jackson and there something else-" 

  Jackson groaned impatiently "What is it?" 

"My little sister is coming today, she will be spending the whole summer."

"Yeah, yeah that's nice once she is not a cock block, like you." Jackson stated rudely before closing the door behind him exiting the room.

?Summer Expectations?|JacksonxJimin[EDITING!!]Where stories live. Discover now