Chapter 1

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Khariyah's : P.O.V.

"Today is the day , I am finally going camping with my friends," said Khariyah.

Khariyah was adopted , she  had no idea who her real parents where , she was found in the middle of the forest by her foster parents : Kim and Mike Howard.

Khariyah was pale , even paler than EDWARD CULLEN , ( twilight fan here ) she had purple eyes , hair black as tar and was more athletic and faster than ALL the boys and girls in her school , but she still had a rocking fashion sense .

" Mom have you seen my black , fluffy jacket , " she yells . "Yes it's in your top draw of your dresser hun " she replied . "Thanks " i shouted , "No problem "
she replied.

I packed my bag , and ran down stairs to meets my friends : Anna, Lisa,Dan , Holland , Megan and the hottest of them all Guilermo , I have had a huge crush on him for as long as I can remebered.

I grabbed my phone , and head downstairs , " Bye mom , bye dad , I am heading out now ." "Ok bye hunny , love you ," said my mom , " Be careful " warned my dad . I kissed them both good bye and said love you .

I made my way to my friends car , we decided to order a van to hold all our supplies and food . " Hey guys " I said as the hopped in the passenger seat , "Hey Khariyah " they all said in harmony . Dan was driving , and GUILERMO , was in the back , no one knowed I liked him but my best friend Anna  . She always saved me from embarrassing my self in front of him , and I loved her like a sister .

It was a long drive , Dan and Megan switched places , so that Dan can go sleep and Megan could drive. Anna  and I were talking bout life , List and Holland were playing cards , and Guilermo was infront in the passenger seat keeping Megan company .

It was a 4 hour long drive , and by the 2 hour I was getting restless.

"Hey Megan, can we stop by a quick shop and get some cookies and cream milkshakes , " I asked . " YESSS its like you read my mind " she replied . We all started laughing , by that time Dan was awake and ready for a pit stop too.

20 minutes later we saw a DQ , in the middle of the woods , it was kinda weird but we didn't  care, we were hungry and bored as HELL ( wink wink )

Megan parked in a spot right in front of the door , and we all grabbed our money and went inside , we made our orders of 7 cheeseburgers and 7 cookies and cream milkshakes. " Even though it was in the middle of the woods the restaurant was extremely clean. As we were all talking and laughing, and waiting for out food , I said " Brb guys gonna use the bathroom ." "K , well be right here ," replied Anna , " Don't take to long or we will eat your food " joked Guilermo , and everyone started laughing .

I laughed and quickly walked to the bathroom , I lock the door , (but that was a bad idea.) When i was done releasing my STUFF , lol . I went to wash my hands. In the mirror's reflection I could  see a shadow , but not just any shadow , a shadow of my family and I .

I quickly spun around, terrified as ever , but now instead of my family and I ,  there was a woman , she had so much blood on her , that  I couldn't make out any of her features , I tried to open the door but it was locked , I tried unlocking  it but it wouldn't bugde , I looked back and she was gone, there wasn't even a speck of blood on the floor.

I took a deep breath in , and told myself it was just my imagination , I unlocked the door and walked back to my friends and act like nothing happened , when really I was crying like a little b*tch in the inside.

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