Chapter 3

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Khariyah 's : P.O.V

That day , we all oddly woke up at the exact same time .

" I am gonna go get the van and bring it closer to our camp site so we can get the hell out of here , " exclaimed Dan.

"Good idea , lets start packing up , " exclaimed Renelle. We decided to clear up all our garbage before doing anything , by the time we were done Dam had came back , but without the car , instead with a note in his hands.

He look scared and worried, " Where's the van , " I asked worriedly, he handed me a letter , " read it outloud," said Dan. I grabbed the letter and started reading it out loud , " U WILL ALL DIE A BLOODY AND PAINFUL DEATH , THIS IS YOUR END , NO ONE KNOWS WHERE U ARE , ALL YOUR COMMUNICATIONS ARE CUT OFF AND U WILL DIE , BE PREPARED FOE THE WORST , YOU ARE FREE TO GO , WHEN EVERYONE IS NO LONGER BREATHING , HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!"

Everyone , and when i say everyone , i mean EVERYONE , was crying , screaming and cussing at the wind .

"I JUST WANT TO GO HOME !!" shouted Anna. Dan and Holland were holding each other and crying , like 2 year olds , Anna was having a panic attack , Megan and Lisa were hugging each other and crying , Guilermo had peed himself , and passed out, and Iwas crying on the outside , but the crazy part was, I was also laughing on the inside , and I was enjoying everyone 's pain and suffering , and I don't know why?

~20 minutes after ~

Everyone took about 20 to stop crying , and during our crying session we didn't realize , that Dan was missing . " Hey , where the hell is Dan we shouldn't be split up at this time !" " He was here a minute ago ?" exclaimed Guilermo, who had finally woke up . "We need to f__," before i could finish my words something happened. Something so scary , so brutal , that you couldn't even cry or be sad . Dan had appeared from thin air , his body floating on the air's surface , "WHAT THE $@&!? , !!" shouted everyone in union. After about 2 minutes of floating on thin air , Dan's body finally dropped onto the floor. I could tell he was strangled to death he was purple , his eyes were missing , his mouth was stitched up , and he was , he was 😭 DEAD.

At that point , NOBODY COULD HELP US ESCAPE THIS HORROR STORY , we all knew that we were gonna die , and in the most painful was possible.

Then after 5 minutes of everyone blankly staring at Dan's Body , a huge puff of spoke appeared , we heard a blood curling scream, then a BOOM !. Then silence , utter silence, when the smoke cleared Dan's body was gone , and , and Megan was hanging from a rope , a lamp post had appeared in the middle of the camp site , and poor Megan was hanging by the neck , her hands and feet were cut off , and her face well , lets just say , her face was horrendous .

Then her body started to decompose and soon there was NOTHING LEFT of her , she had sunken into the ground like soil. Holland , Guilermo , Anna, Lisa and I all huddled together.

At that moment, we all knew that there was no survival anymore , because either way  we were all gonna die , and it seemed the killer was getting more and more brutal.

As everyone was huddled together, SHOCKED , not even able to cry , I was smiling (in my head ) and I don't know why , I hope there's nothing wrong with me , MWAHAHAHAHAHA.

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