Introduction -- 25 May 1941

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25 May 1941

Dear Danny,

Now, if you’re reading this before I told you, put it away this instant!

In other words, you know your dad and I didn’t want to do this. It’s the last thing we want to be separated from you boys during these times. But you know London’s not safe right now, and the Mobleys are good people! Very understanding, you and Percy will just adore them.

Danny, I know you hate this, but hang in there for me, love. You’ll be home before you know it and we’ll all be a family again soon enough. As for me, don’t worry your little head. In three days time, I’ll be going to stay with my sister in Dublin. You know I’d’ve brought you boys with me, but she’s only got one free room and six children of her own, to boot.

Stay out of trouble, love, and take care of your little brother. And one more thing -- promise me you’ll make the best of this situation. Have fun in Concord, make some friends! Don’t let this ruddy old war drag you down.

Love and kisses,


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