All of you are INSANE

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Inspired by KirstyKreme's story,'s a secret, AKA the best Naruto high school story I have ever read in my entire existence, unfortunately she hasn't updated it for the past 5 months T-T

So I'm writing this to get past my current obsession, enjoy now because I usually end up deleting my Naruto Fanfics :P


"Stay out of trouble." The wrinkled old man ordered with a hoarse voice. The stress from work was visible in the grey bags that hung under his eyes. But his eyes themselves were filled with a steel resolve. These cold eyes were currently directed at the dark haired teenager in front of him.

The young teen gave a curt nod in response. His lips were pressed in a firm line and his own midnight eyes were glazed over. "Yes Grandfather." He mumbled softly as he forced himself to remain calm.

"That's Sir to you!" The old man barked loudly in return as he sat up straighter. The teenager remained completely still even under his grandfather's intense glare.

Finally Grandfather let out a tired sigh as he returned to his calm state, "Rin." he spoke rubbing his temples. "You are the sole heir to the Sasaki family. "He stated in a low voice, pointing a crooked finger at the teen. "When I die, you are next in line. Many people will wish to kill you....and the rest will despise you. And if anyone ever discovers your secret.....I'll have to dispose of you. Do you understand?"

Rin gave another curt nod, "Yes Sir," he said firmly.

Inside the old man's mind, he was impressed with the child, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead the grandfather just crossed his arms over his broad chest, "I hope the next time I see you, you will be someone I can be proud of" he spoke to Rin in a harsh voice. Then he gave a wave of dismissal to the teen.

Rin immediately stood up and walked out of the circular office . Two older men in black uniforms flanked his side as he walked down the elaborately decorated hall.

The teen could tell from the slight bulge in the lining of their coats that they had guns hidden there. He was also well aware of the high resolution, security cameras and hidden motion detectors scattered along the hallway.

This would become his life soon.

Rin pushed the unsavory thought out of his mind and focused on his closest goal: surviving Konaha Elite, an all boys high school for the toughest and smartest boys in all of Japan or as grandfather liked to think: The perfect school to train the future mafia head.

At first Rin didn't mind the thought of attending this school. He had actually supported it fully, but there were three problems.

First of all, Grandfather told him to stay out of trouble, which was mafia language for "Don't beat the crap out of anyone or I will kill you." This task alone, was like asking Rin to stop breathing.

Second, Rin had never been to an all boys school before, or any school for that matter. The teen had actually never stepped foot off the ground's of Grandfather's Mansion, which was why he could already feel his heart accelerating as he approached the front door.

The Third problem and most important one was that Rin.....wasn't a guy. Actually Rin was 99% sure that she was female if you looked past the unruly short hair and small chest, bound tightly with bandages. Unfortunately, grandfather refused to acknowledge that fact, and he even managed to "convince" (A.K.A threaten) the Admissions Head of Konaha Elite to overlook the small detail and accept her in.

All of you are INSANE (Akatsuki and Naruto High School Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now