School Trip: Hospital

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Rin stumbled out of the hospital room. Her right arm wrapped tightly in white bandage strips, and some sleeping medicine in her other hand. The blonde doctor had practically thrown the medicine at her before forcing her out of the room.

"Go on, get!" The doctor said as she impatiently shooed her out. "It's because of you I couldn't go gambling today." The lady grumbled under her breath.

Before Rin could complain at the old hag, the door slammed behind her, sending tremors throughout the entire wall. The shortie scowled to herself. What's her problem? She wondered.

As the shaking settled, Rin slowly looked around the quite hallway. Her eyes finally fell on a familiar red head sitting in a seat at the end of the hall, his head in his lap.

Sasori lifted his head at the sound of the door slamming. He looked up to find Rin standing there staring back at him. The puppet freak found himself unconsciously tensing up for a bit at the site of her. He immediately averted his eyes back down at the ground.

Calm the fuck down. He told himself as he forced his shoulders to relax. I just need to tell Rin what I know.

But as the shortie got closer, it was getting harder and harder for Sasori to remain calm. He couldn't help but notice how girly Rin appeared to him now, and it was actually making him nervous.

Just say it. A voice in his head growled at him. The red head immediately opened his mouth to speak. But before Sasori could say anything, the hospital door suddenly swung open.


Both of the two jumped in surprise as the same blonde doctor suddenly popped her head out from the door.

"Oi, Red head." She called rudely as she used a thin finger to signal for Sasori to come over. "A word please." She added before turning to Rin with a look of distrust in her cold eyes.

Rin froze in surprise at the intensity of the glare. Why is she staring at me like that? She wondered.

"You just stay there." The blonde doctor ordered before the shortie could ask anything. Then she turned back to Sasori and motioned for him to enter the hospital room.

Rin just nodded her head, not daring to say anything.

The door closed shut and the hallway fell silent. With a sigh, the shortie plopped down in the seat Sasori had been in moments ago and waited. Her eyes followed the clock on the wall in front of her as the handles slowly revolved.

After a while Sasori still hadn't come out of the room. Rin began to grow both impatient and curious as her glances towards the closed door became even more frequent. What's taking him so long?

Finally her curiosity got the better of her. The shortie stood up abruptly and tip-toed over to the room. She strained her ear, quietly placing it on the door as she tried to hear any noise or conversation, but no sound came out.

Damn. The shortie cursed in her mind. Are these walls sound proof or something?


Sasori walked into the room as the doctor closed the door behind him. The red head's eyes narrowed at the distinct sound of a lock clicking in place. What is she planning? He wondered as he immediately took note of his surroundings.

The window can be reached in 8 seconds..I can attack with the medical knives on the table and then make a run for it.

"Calm down, I'm not going to kill you." The blonde doctor grumbled as if reading Sasori's thoughts before casually walking past him. Then she plopped down in her rolling seat, lazily resting her arms on the back support as she sat in a very unlady-like position. She gestured to a chair next to her but Sasori declined, choosing to lean against the wall.

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