Hidan's Personal Hell

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Hidan took another deep breath as he inched forward slowly. They were currently in the longest fucking line ever. And he had been physically attached to the shortie for exactly 25 minutes and 34 seconds.

Only 8 more hours left. The Jashinist told to himself. All I have to do is 1) Not kill the kid 2) Find out his weakne-

"Hidaaaaan. I'm boooooored." Rin moaned as she leaned back on her heels, letting the handcuff hold her weight.

An annoyed irk mark appeared on Hidan's forehead as kept facing forward.

His frustration rose as he felt Rin lean back even more, putting strain on their cuffed hands. The grey haired teen suddenly let his arm go slack, causing Rin to fall back.

The shortie let out a small yelp of surprise as she lost her balance. She landed on the ground with a heavy thump.

Hidan grinned to himself as he heard Rin curse. The shortie got up again, rubbing her butt as she sent a glare towards the grey haired Jashinist.

"Go to hell" she mumbled under her breath.

Hidan rolled his eyes. " I'm already fucking in it." He grumbled.

The line moved forward again so he yanked Rin along, causing her to almost fall forward on her face.

Rin scowled again but didn't say anything, since Hidan had decided to take that moment to look the other way.

This place was boring! The shortie groaned to herself. Weren't amusement parks suppose to be...amusing?

The shortie began to busy herself staring at her surrounding. Around her, were people waiting excitedly in the line. A couple were handcuffed like she was to Hidan, but they looked like they were enjoying it.

One couple was staring intimately into each others eyes, whispering secret to each other as they stood closely. Other couples were chatting or laughing excitedly, bright smiles on their faces.

And then there was her and Hidan. Standing as far away from each other as humanly possible. An impenetrable wall of annoyance and frustration between them.

The people closest to them instinctively shifted away from the odd couple.

It took another ten minutes for them to reach the front. Rin stood on her tippy toes, trying to get a view of what they had been waiting for, but unfortunately the people around her were too tall.

The shortie let out a frustrated sigh.

Suddenly an arm scooped her up into the air. Rin almost freaked out and fell off as she found herself sitting on the grey haired teen's left shoulder.

" Hidan" she said with complete shock in her voice as she blinked to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.

" You can...see now right?" Was all he grumble back, not looking at the shortie, and his left arm awkwardly held up, attached to Rin's right.

Rin nodded as she turned her eyes back towards the front. They grew ten times wider at what she saw.

A ten-cart roller coaster sat parked in front of them. People were sitting in leather seats, strapped into heavy seat belts with looks of both fear and excitement in their eyes.

In front was a huge loop that lead into to several twisters and to top it off, a 120 degree drop.

The shortie could feel her mouth dropped wide open as she watched the coaster take off at lightning speed.

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