Don't fall in live with your mission// Part two

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Kendall pov.
So I decided to go with to go with him. I mean it's one date what could possibly go wrong?

I started getting ready for my date. As I was getting ready Mom busted in my room

"Hello" I said. "You can't go on a date with your mission!" She exclaimed. "So" I stated

"Your not going" She said


"End of discussion" She said and left

I got up and stood by my door. "Your impossible! I hate you!" I yelled and slam the door. I then plop my self in the bed

Forget it! I'm going in that date no matter what!

I mean what could possibly happen?

After I finished getting ready I climbed out the window and practical ran all the way to the date

It was at Nacho's. Once I got their I saw Clark. He smiled at me and I smile back

As I walked over to him I was mentally scolding my self

"Your not supposed to be here!"

"Will, now that your here act cool!"

After I finished scolding myself I sat down. "You look wow" He saud and I smiled at him. "And you look great" I said

He smiled at me and picked up a menu. I turn around and scold myself

"Your suppose to say he looks handsome or amazing!"

"So would you guys like?" A waitress ask

"I'll have a Water and salad please" I said and then Clark order his food. Clark order a cheeseburger, salad and water

We finished eating and went outside. "So my dad is going to pick me up. Do you want a ride?" He said

"Sure" I smiled to him

Once his dad came he opened the door and then he closed it and we drove off

We finally got on my street. The car drove to my house but once it got in front of my house it sped off

"Um that was my house" I said uncomfortable

"I have to tell you something" Clark said

"Yes" I said

"You aren't going home" He said as handcuffs wrap around my arms

"I should've never came" I said

"You shouldn't and you shouldn't have been a trader!" Someone yelled. I finally got a glance of the person

It was Abby!!

"I'm sorry but you should've told me who my mom was!" I yelled

"Will now you have no where to turn to and you can't use your powers" She said

"You'll won't get away with this!" I yelled

"Oh we just did" She chuckled and with that the world went black


Author pov: Just a short chapter about part two. What well happen will she be able to everyone use her powers? Will Clark change his mind about kidnapping Kendall? Will they ever find her? Why did she black out? So much questions and not enough time to be answer. Please vote and comment to see what happens next or what you want to see happen next

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