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Sorry I haven't posted recently but I've got a lot of stuff in the works, including a new Game of Thrones fanfic coming soon, an alternate ending to Roberts Rebellion. Hope you enjoy!

We rode until the snow turned to mossy grass and there was no way the Stark banner men were after us. Rhaegar and his friends made sure to cover are tracks but a thought still gnawed in the back of my mind. "Was I doing the right thing?" but every time it took over me I looked to Rhaegar, so handsome, so kind and staring at me with such love in his eyes it took my breath away. It had been weeks since our escape and this morning as the sun shone brightly in the sky I looked from my horse to Rhaegars and asked "where are we going?" I hadn't mentioned it before because of how worried he seemed but the more south we travel the more my prince relaxed. Rhaegar looked at me with his purple eyes and said "Somewhere safe for us both" I bit my lip and nodded by head, not an exact answer, I didn't want to pester him but I asked again "Where exactly is safe."

 "We are almost there Lya, right Arthur?" Rhaegar asked his friend. 

"Yes, my lady I am taking we are taking you to my family's castle in Dorne, Starfall." I hadn't expected that answer, I thought at best we were traveling to Kingslanding and at worse across the narrow sea into the free cities. "I can't wait to see your home sir Arthur." I said politely 

"Please Lady Lyanna call me Arthur we are much too well antiquated with these few last weeks to call each other anything other than friends." My cheeks reddened as I nodded my head. Rhaegar was smiling so widely I knew this made him happy, his best friend accepting me. "Where do you think Oswell is by now Rhaegar?" Arthur asked. Rhaegar shrugged "Most likely at Kingslanding by now, giving my father notice of my leave of absence. He will be joining us at Starfall as soon as possible Lyanna." Rhaegar said answering the question that was already forming on my lips. "Does your father know we will be at Starfall?" "Gods no." Arthur scoffed from his spot on his horse on my right, while Rhaegar was on my left. "Father.... Has been having difficulties for a while now, any information isn't safe with him, no matter of its importance to me." Rhaegar said as he reached out to take my hand "Lyanna you are the most important thing to me, you and Westeros. Please know I will do everything to protect you."

 "And I will be your faithful protector as well Lyanna." Arthur added. 

I smiled widely as we approached a dock. Since being a daughter of a Lord I had learned much of the geography of the seven kingdoms and I knew that we must cross to the islands that contained the red mountains to get to House Daynes castle. We check our horses into a stable, Rhaegar paying heavily in advance. Everyone knew who he was, as well as their lord Arthur, but Rhaegar was unmistakable by his lovely Targaryen silver hair and the purple eyes that I loved so much. We made our way to the docks, booking passage to the island and boarding the ship. I stood on the deck with Rhaegar, watching the rolling waves. "I have never been on a boat before." I said in a whisper, as if ashamed. 

"I guess you wouldn't have, with Winterfell's location and your lack of travel on your father's orders, just like most ladies in Westeros."

 "Yes, it was dreadful, never leaving. I did love the snow and forests that had become my own castle, aside from the walls of Winterfell but truthful I always wanted an adventure but I could never get beyond the snow, Haronhall was my second journey outside of Winterfell." I said. 

"What was your first?" Rhaegar asked.

 I gave him a rueful smile "When I was nine I tried to run away to join the nights watch. Father found me a day later with Ned and Brandon shivering in a cave. I could have made it you know." "I know." Rhaegar said with a smile. "But they wouldn't have taken me anyway." I muttered while looking at the water. I could tell Rhaegar was still staring at me, he pressed his hand against mine which was braced on the railing and said "I understand things are hard for women in Westeros Lya and when I am king I promise to make a difference. No one deserves to be unhappy." I turned to look at him in the eye, his purple ones had the same set of sadness that his voice held. "I believe you will be a wonderful king Rhaegar." He cupped my cheek with his free hand, the one that didn't hold him, and then kissed me gently as fire tingled under my flesh. Together, the way our mouths fit together so perfectly, how we knew each other's thoughts and feelings, we were like fire and ice, melting and becoming water. So fluid we moved together as if one person. I pulled back slowly as we heard the captain yell that we were docking the ship. Soon after Arthur joined us on deck. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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