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P.V.O Lyanna Stark 

The smells of Winterfell filled up inside me and I smiled to myself and urged my horse to go faster. It had taken too long to get home, it had taken too long to get back to the place I will always call my home.

Father and Mother hadn't gone with us to Harrenhal but when we entered through the gates they were both there waiting. I ran into my mother's arms as she engulfed me in a hug. I was taller than her but she didn't let it stop her from reaching up to wrap her arms around me.

When she let me go I embraced my father, he smoothed back my dark hair and said "It's Good to have you back Lyanna, promise to never leave me again. I missed you too much you should never get married." He said with a chuckle. I made myself not tell him I agreed with him, that I should never get married. Never get married to Robert.

Once he let me go he spoke to my brothers as if they were his soldiers, no warmth, and no love. It pained me to see his fatherly actions evaporate when it came to seeing my brothers in front of his men but once we all got inside and sat around the dinner table for our meal the laughing and family atmosphere took over the room.

That night , after I washed and got into to bed to sleep, shortly after I was only to be awoken in the dead of night by a raven. I sat up slowly and took the letter from his claw. It read:


It was wonderful speaking to you. I look forward to seeing you again. Hopefully soon, if the gods see it fit

Yours Truly,

Prince Rhaegar Targaryen

My stomach was filled with butterflies and for the rest of the night I laid awake re reading his words over and over again. And to think that Rhaegar had written these words, to think he has touched this paper only made my heart grow.

From that night to the three months that have passed Rhaegar and I have been sending each other Ravens as frequently as possible. When he sent me one this morning saying he was going to be coming to Winterfell to see me a smile spread across my lips as I ate breakfast with my family.

Brandon and Father were discussing their trip to Riverrun next week while Benjin and Ned spoke about the events going on in winter fell. "Lyanna? Lyanna?" Benjin repeated, a smirk on his face "Huh?" I said whiling looking up from my pourage "Is the Queen of Love and Beauty so royal that she cannot speak with her own brothers?" Benjin said. Ned let out a low laugh and I stuck up my nose and said "Of course royalty cannot spend their time talking to dirty wolves." I held back my smile. Try to keep an expression of seriousness was hard to master.

They both snickered and then Ned said "Well it's a good thing you're a wolf also." "And nothing close to royalty" Benjin added. I scoffed and rolled my eyes "Commoners." I muttered

After a second of silence we all broke out into laughter that was followed by me getting up and shoving each of my brothers out of their chairs. Afterwards I walked to the stables but on my way I was stopped by none other than Robert Baratheon.

My stomach churned as I forced a smile and said "Lord Baratheon what a pleaser to see you." He gave me a cheery smile and said "Lyanna you know you should call me Robert and the pleasure is all mine." He then took my hand in his giant calloused one and planted a wet his on top. I held in a gag and smiled as I snatched my hand away "What are you doing here exactly?" I asked while whipping his kiss off behind my back.

He ran a hand through his dark hair and said "Lord Arryn and I are here to take Ned back to the Vale." I had grown so used to having Ned around again that I had forgotten that he was supposed to be a ward of Jon Arryn. I gave him a small frown and he then said "Don't be too sad Lyanna Ned and I won't be gone for long. Don't forget we have the rest of our lives together and Ned is always welcome in Storms End." I gave him a forced smile and held back my words.

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