The Game

21 1 0

Bea Rodriguez

A week after we watched the movie, everything went back to normal.

At school, I was with Tisha talking about shoes and our celebrity crushes when Carl,approached us. 

"Hey Tisha want to watch the basketball game this afternoon? I'm playing!" he said happily.

Ouch. So he only wanted to invite Tisha but not me?!

"Sure. But can Bea come too?" she asked.

"Uhm.Sure"he agreed.

"Well ,okay then" Tisha said.

That afternoon, we went to the basketball court early since I wanted to see Carl before he got all sweaty. Awww. He looked soooo cute! :3

Then, Tisha cheered for Carl "Carl, FIGHTING!!!~"

When the game started, everyone cheered and cheered for Newtown State. The score was:

Newtown State: 34 - Wetchester High: 35

There was one minute left until the end of the first game. We were worried we would lose when someone passed the ball to Carl. Tisha shouted like crazy. There was fifteen seconds left until....*shoot*

"Woooooooooh!!!".Everyone cheered. Carl shot a 3-pointer!

Carl looked so happy that he ran to the bleachers towards us. When he made his way through the crowd, he hugged Tisha tightly. It felt like my heart was torn to pieces. I couldn't move. 

When I felt a lot better, I excused myself to go to the restroom. When I came back, Jake was subbing for Carl. I cheered for our team during the second game. Carl and Tisha went out for a while to get some fresh air. I wanted to follow them but decided not to.

I looked at them as they disappeared in the crowd. When I faced front, I noticed that everyone was quiet and they didn't move.


I went to the front and saw Jake. He was in the basketball court. He was lying there . His face looked like he was hurt somewhere. Then the coach told me to take Jake to the nurse's office. I didn't want to but looking at his face,I felt pity on him. So I took him to the clinic and the doctor said that he broke his left arm. Then , the doctor left us alone.

"Are you okay?". I asked.

"Oh. Yeah.". He said weakly.

Then,there was a moment of silence.


"Thanks for what?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said with a smile.

"Can we be-" he stopped.

"What?".I asked.

"Uhmm. Can w-we be f-fr-friends? I want to be your friend." He said shyly.

I thought hard about it. I thought hard about it in 10 seconds.

"Uhm. Sure" I said with a smile.

I wanted to get to know him better so I accepted his request. 

Did I make the right decision? 

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