Chapter 1

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[Hello there! this is my first story on wattpad. So I hope you guys like this. (: Any sort of feedbacks are very much appreciated. Thank you for reading! Enjoy ^^] 

 I was standing there all alone admiring the beauty the nature, admiring the ocean that spread far beyond my reach. I walked away from the ocean the beauty of setting sun but just then someone hugged me from behind. I turned around even though I already knew who it was. He smiled at me his skin gave a different glow. He leaned closer and whispered something in my ears....I tied hard to hear what he was saying but there was some ringing in my ears ..the ringing just got louder and louder.... And I woke up to my alarm clock.

I dreaded waking up .. waking up to the reality that he was no longer mine. "No longer mine."? Who was I kidding,he had never been mine. Only in the past month we had over dozens of fights, figured out that he cheated on me, so many nights I cried myself to sleep and yet after all that betrayal and hurt, my heart still ached for him, his warm hug, his lingering kiss. Reid Scott,I met him 8 months ago via Facebook.Then we met in school and soon after Reid And I started Dating.Things never actually did work out between us but I was stubborn I kept holding on to us, our relationship that was visibly falling apart and I couldn't help myself. I loved him and  I thought he did too.

My phone beeped interrupting my train of thoughts.

A message from Drew .


"Zoe! U Fine?". 

No I m not fine at all I 'm feeling like a big pile of shit.




"Damn. I thought you would be feeling like a big pile of shit. :D "


"Go Die. "


"Same to you ;) Meet in in the Library 11:00 am sharp."


"I'm not coming. :| "


"Okay.See you there. :D"


Andrew Tallet aka Drew is my almost best friend. Why almost? Drew and I, we've been together since primary classes and over past year we have become really close friends but still we have not exchanged that 'Best Friend Title'. Thus,he is my 'Almost best friend'.

I don't wanna leave this bed. I checked the time 8:30 already. I gotta meet that stupid, stubborn, idiot Drew at the library.  [-.-'] . I just can’t sleep all day and shut myself from the world around me, can I?

I took a quick shower  Mom had gone to the work already .I went to the kitchen. Grabbed a cup of coffee. Which would hopefully help me to sober a bit. I looked at the mirror  my eyes looked puffed and tired. So, I went straight to the fridge,took a cucumber sliced it and kept it on my eye for like 20 mins. Weird? Yes.

This cucumber thing is not actually my idea. It's Drew's. It was about a month ago  my parents got divorced, partially I felt relived all that fighting and late night screaming finally came to an end but I also did hurt me to realize that the two people that I love the most no cannot bear to stand each other so I ended up crying all night and next morning Drew showed up in my room, waking me up with the sarcastic comment about how puffy my eyes looked. He said, “ I knew that you'd need this." and took out something from his bag which seemed like a little lunchbox to me. Opened it and took out slices of cucumber. He ate one, gave two tome and ordered, “Keep these over your eyes." "huh?" was all I could say.

"Aargh.. No I 'm not Gay!!! so stop giving my that fuckin' retarded look. My mom's a beautician remember  And I have often heard her say keeping cucumber over your eyes  gives your eyes a rest and helps in decreasing the puffiness and dark circles." He said in a single breath and we both burst out laughing. He is really the most amazing and retarded person I've ever met, even in my worst days he somehow always manages to make me laugh.

So that’s the cucumber story.

Funny to think in all my hard times Drew was always there and Reid was never anywhere in the scene. Reid..... He is the last person that I should bethinking about right now. Plus, its 10:00 already I better hurry and get ready.


I reached the library and Drew was coming out. When he saw me he gave a huge grin and a light punch on my shoulders.

"Hey Zoe! I thought you were not going to show up. So I was on my way to abduct you." he said with a wink.

"Nice to see you too Drew" *sigh* I replied.

I was about to go-inside the library when he said, “My work here is done and I’m really hungry so can we go eat something unless you have some work here too.”

I replied, “No work here. Let’s go to that bakery cafe near the station. I heard that its really good.”

We walked in silence. It was weird haw silence never ,in any condition, felt awkward between us. Something dropped from my bag,I heard it hit the ground. I looked down to see what it was.... it was the key ring that Reid gave me in our 1 month anniversary. Reid..... where would he be right now? Is it possible that he might be thinking of me too? Maybe we could try and work it out....................

"Essh.. Zoe! Your thoughts are so loud that even I can hear it." Drew again interrupting my thoughts.

"You might as well stuff some cotton balls in your ear." I replied sorely."I tried. It didn't work." He said magically taking some cotton balls out of his ear. Magically because I hadn't seen the cotton balls in his ear before.

"Die Drew." I cursed under my breath.

I started walking ahead of him. Suddenly he pulled me back and covered my eyes. Too late. I already saw what he was trying to protect me from. Reid, he was there in the Ice-Cream parlor with someone else, kissing someone else. My already broken heart shattered in to million of pieces. Its been what 48 hrs since we broke up and he is already there kissing someone else, dating that someone else!!? And here I was an idiot hoping that we could work it out get back together. My friends were so right 'He was a Dick'. Was? No. He Is Still A Dick. I could feel the tears stinging in my eye, I can't cry, I shouldn't cry, at least not here in the middle of the road. The last thing I want now is to cry and make a fool out of myself in front of all these strangers.

I almost succeeded until Drew did the worst thing in this particular situation... He gave me a Big Teddy Bear hug that made me bawl like a little kid whose candy just got snatched by a bully. I tried really hard to keep my voice low. Drew whispered in my ears, "Its okay. Its going to be alright. Its--- " He stopped in mid sentence like he just remembered something and all of a sudden he pulled away from me. I looked up at him in confusion. He was staring at my face and out of the blue he started laughing. He was laughing so hard that people were now staring at us like we were live show of "Just for Laugh". My face flushed with embarrassment. Drew spoke between his laugh, "Did anybody tell look hilariously funny.... when you cry..... ahaaha." The anger was boiling inside of me.

"DREW SHUT UP" I told him furiously.

He stood in silence for a moment and then cracked up again saying, "Angry Plus Crying..... you look like some freaking red alien that came from mars ahahahaha....." He laughed so hard that even I started laughing along with him.

"I'll kill ya Drew" I said laughing and when I took a step towards him he started running away and I too simply chased him. People were literally staring at us. We probably looked like two kids who just ran away from a mental asylum.

With all the running and chasing on the way, we finally reached the bakery cafe,the one I was talking about. Now even I was hungry. All I can think about was food. That running took a lot of my energy I guess. We ordered some chocolate brownies and coffee with extra cream. We gobbled up every bits of that brownie, drank our coffee and yet we were not satisfied. So we decided to go to Pizza Hut, which was next to the bakery cafe. We ordered a large sized cheese pizza and ate it all without leaving out a single piece. Yes. Yes we do have a large appetite. [xD]

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