Chapter 5

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“Reid? Why are you here?”

“Let’s get your mom in first shall we?”He said making me feel all foolish. I got mom inside with Reid’s help. She still seemed quite weak. Draco seated her on the couch and he sat beside her.

“What happened?” he asked Reid.

“Nothing much. It was just a small accident.” Mom answered before Reid could say anything.

“Not you Mom. I want to hear the story from the kid. Ann, Zoey, You two better take mom upstairs.” He said acting all parent on mom. We did as he told and took mom up stairs while he was downstairs talking Reid…. Reid seeing him was still not easy; he still had the same effect on me. Why me????? Can today’s day get any more insane now? First Drew behaves weird and then Reid shows up at my door apparently as the savior of my mother. I wish I had someone to talk to, okay Ann’s there but she’s so excited and handful with her wedding preparations and she’s now looking after mom too, it just doesn't feel right to dump all my problem’s on her. And there’s ‘Ellie’, my supposed to be best friend, who hasn't even called me once over the week. Ellie Ross and I, we 1stmet on girl’s summer camp during my freshmen year. Since it was girl’s summer camp, I had no Drew to hang around with and that’s when I found Ellie. We've been best friends ever since. She is fun to be with, smart, interesting, childish at times, and most importantly: a really good listener and I love her for that but still... right now I really want to kill her. I mean what kind of best friend does not call her best friend who is going through a bad break up? [ >.< ]    Just then I heard my cell-phone ring. Turns out my best friend finally found some time for me.  


“Zoey! I missed you!”

“Liar! You never called me! You have no idea what’s happening here...”

“Well you never called me either! And FYI I do know what’s happening. Andrew had given me the good news long ago.”

“Yeah good news.” She absolutely hated Reid. “You knew it and yet you never even bothered to call and check up on me.”

“Well, I was angry at you because it was Andrew who called me and not you, my so-called bestie. Plus I knew that Andrew would be there to take care of you.” Yeah Drew was there. He’s always there. [J] “ by-the-way I’ll be at school tomorrow”

“Thank god you’ll be there tomorrow. I’ve got sooo... much to tell you!”

“What happene—” Arghh! Network disturbance [>.<]

“Hello? Ellie?”

“I can hea—”

“I can’t hear you. Well if you can hear me meet me tomorrow in cafeteria at 10. I've got so much to tell you!! Anyway can’t hear you… hanging up now. Take care”

I hung up and went downstairs. Reid was already gone. Thank God for that ‘because I’m afraid that if I have to see him, talk to him again…. I’d let my guard down and get my heart broken again.….

“He’s a nice guy.” Draco’s voice brought me back to reality.

“Huh?” Draco was sitting at the porch steps. I went over and sat next to him.

“Reid. He’s a nice Kid” Okay so, Draco was away the whole time Reid and I were together so he has no ideas about the Reid drama. 

“Yeah, maybe.”

“Maybe?” He asked raising an eyebrow. “You don’t know him?” Oh I know him much more than you do brother. 

“I do. We are in the same school”

“Ever thought of dating—”

“Shut Up Draco!” I snapped at him.

“Hey, I’m sorry okay. I was just kidding.”

“No, I’m sorry. It’s just… it’s been a long day.”

“Uh-huh. Wanna talk about it?”  Of course I wanted to talk about it. A part of me wanted to tell him everything and another just reminded me that how much he has going on in his life too….

“Naah! I what I really need is a good night sleep.” I said giving him a quick peck on the cheek. “Good night bro. I’m glad to have you back.”

“Good night Zoe! And remember I’m always there for you.” He said smiling back.


“God can’t you just grant me a single day free from clumsiness?” I complained picking up my books that I had dropped while opening my locker, just then my cell phone started ringing. I fell like my life was in the middle of ultimate chaos. I was already gaining attention from other students and my ringtone, ‘Na na na na’ by MCR (along with the video dialogues -.-) attracted a whole lot more heads to turn in my direction. Not that I cared but still you know it’s….. awkward! I shoved last of my book in my locker and slammed it shut that I finally picked my phone. It was Zoey.


“ Ellie. Where are you? I’ve been waiting for you here since forever! And why didn’t you pick up my phone?”

“Slow down girl! We agreed to meet at 10:00 and its not even 9:50 yet” I said checking my watch. “Anyway I’m coming. You just keep calm.”

“Well I am calm, you get over here fast. I really need to talk to you.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in 10 mins. Bye.”

“Fast. Bye”

Zoe was sitting at our regular table. I grabbed our coffees and headed over there silently praying that I’d get there without landing head first, since today is definitely not one of my best days.

“So tell me what’s up?”

“First you tell me why exactly did you extend your leave? You were supposed to come back on Sunday!” 

“Oh I hade a date” Her eyes widened. “Kidding. No dates. Gran was sick and it was chaos out there so I had to stay!”

“Oh… how is she now?”

“Healthy as a horse.” I replied with a grin. “Now you tell me what’s up with you? Why you so hyper?”

“You won’t believe what happened yesterday!”

“What happened?”

“Reid showed up at my house.”

“Reid? What?” God I hate even the sound of that his name. “Why? You guys are not back together again, are you?” I asked her suspiciously because every time that jerk showed up at her door they got back together. 

“No. No. Not that.” Then she told me the complete story he saved her mother and about her brother’s wedding and stuff. I guess she was about to tell me some thing more but just then Andrew appeared, “Hey girls. Ellie! Welcome back!” He said giving me a hug.

“Thanks Andrew!”

“Not fair! I never call you Elizabeth do I?” He said pretending to frown.

“But I like your name. It reminds me of him.” I replied with a wink.

“Yeah right! Your BVB crush.” He clearly seemed annoyed. Oh how I love to annoy him [ :3 ]

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