Chapter 3

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It was after lunch and it was Mrs. Walter's class. As soon as she entered the class, she asked us to submit our assignments. I proudly submitted my assignment which wasn't actually done by me.

"I bet we're gonna get an A." Drew, who was sitting on my right, whispered to me.

"Really? I was hoping for an A+." I grinned at him and looked over to my left. His seat was empty; recently he has been missing out from school a lot. Not like I care or something ….. Reid wasn't always like this… I still remember his first day in school, which was now almost a year ago, he was a transfer student. He was shy, he rarely spoke with anyone. We became friends and before we knew it, the friendship turned into relationship. Those were the good days but as they say, nothing lasts forever and we were no exception. Our relationship started failing, we occasionally had arguments but still I thought we could make it work….. And I knew we couldn’t that night when I saw him with his ex-girlfriend Katharine [they had a long term relationship before he was transferred here], They were making out in the schools locker room after the summer carnival. That night was the night when I knew – even though I hadn’t admitted to myself – that everything we had was over.

Mrs. Walters’s class was over. Our Trig teacher, Mr. Wesley was absent so, we had the next class off. Drew brought his bench closer to mine and said, “Listen, I was working on a new cover song.. wanna check it out?”

“Yeah sure! I’ll drop by while going home.” Did I mention that Drew is a amazing singer and is really good with most of his musical instruments.

“Do that! Mom has already started complaining about you and Samantha not coming home often.”

“Oh Jenna! It’s been ages since I’ve last seen her!”

“You met her last Sunday.” he commented raising an eyebrow.

“Oh shut up Drew!”

We both were busy talking when Mrs. Walter suddenly entered the classroom and announced, “Miss Zoey Danvers and Mr. Andrew Tallet. Meet at my office. Right Now!”

I was in a state of shock. I looked at Drew, he looked ….guilty? What The Hell Is Going On? Whole class was staring at us like we were some clowns from the freak show. Walking out of class he whispered to me, “Prepare for the worst.”

 Mrs. Walter’s office was a pale yellow colored room. She absolutely adores ‘Venus Flytrap’ she even has one in her office right over her desk.  Women in her early fifties, tall and a redhead, she was the faculty head of biology department. She wore rectangle faced glasses that made her look a lot mean than she already was. Drew and I, we were both sitting opposite to her while she was yelling at us, “You two thought that you could fool me? These two assignments are exact copy of each other!! Now, I really don’t wanna hear who copied from who or any of your lame excuses for doing so. I……” I honestly didn’t hear what she said next; my attention was totally captivated by the ‘Venus flytrap’ sitting on her desk. What If….. We made an abnormal growing potion on our chemistry lab and use it in the Venus flytrap and then it ate Mrs. Walter…. I know, school life would be a lot more bearable. [3:D] I smiled at my stupid-never-coming-true-evil thoughts and glanced at Drew’s direction, our eyes met and we both grinned. “What are you both smiling about? Does it seem like some kind of joke to you two? This is your final year in school! At least be a little serious ‘bout it for the sake of your future.” She let out a deep sigh and the continued, “You two are going to do assignment on the anaphase and metaphase of mitotic cell division and submit it day after tomorrow, is that clear?”

“Yes mam!” we said together and got up to leave.

“and one more thing you both are going to stay for detention after school today.”

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