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"What is it?" Ra-in come out from their room when he notice Bobby didn't get in yet.
" Let's go to sleep." Bobby rise from the couch and grab Ra-in waist and push her to their bed. Ra-in just nod and follow as he said.
Ra-in seat on their put her pillow on her lap waiting for Bobby to change his clothes. Bobby only wear short pant and shirtless head to their bed. Ra-in keep staring as Bobby seat beside her.
"What baby?" Bobby stare back with confuse face.
"Rachel text you right?" Bobby silent plus suprise on what Ra-in ask him.
"Well..umm.. Yes. I guess she saw us today. And she know you're pregnant." Bobby hold her hand. "How did you know she text me?" Bobby ask as he wondering how Ra-in know.
"She text me too. And send me this photos." Ra-in show the photos Rachel send her to Bobby. As Bobby saw it, Bobby stare to Ra-in. It was Bobby shirtless photo which Rachel took few times ago.
"Ra-in ah.-"
"No no. I'm fine Bobby. And I understand. She tried to ruin our relationship. But its no use. As long as you love me?" Ra-in almost break to tears and stare at Bobby.
"Baby, I love you so much. And you know how Rachel want me so bad right? She'll do everything to ruin our relationship. Please.don't cry. I love you." Bobby lean her head on his shoulder and hold her hand. Even Ra-in know that Bobby love her more now, she's still afraid Rachel could do anyting to get Bobby back. She don't want to lost Bobby. She lied on their bed and Bobby hug her. "Goodnight baby." Bobby kiss her goodnight.

Today was RBY launching event. Lot of artists, models and business partners have attend the event. Bobby wear a blacksuit with red tie (A/N: I dont have any good sense in boy fashion :'(( mian). Meanwhile, Ra-in long red dress without sleeves and white short heels. Since she's pregnant, Bobby didn't allow her to wear high heels for her and their baby safety. After done her makeup, Bobby drove his car to their lauching event location.
"I'm nervous." Ra-in hold her chest.
"Why? Aren't you did a lot of photoshoot and go to some event before?" Bobby hold her hand.
"Not because of that."
"Then what is it baby?"
"You're going to introduce me right? Only Yunhyeong and my oppa know about our marriage. I think they'll shock about it."
"Aaaa~~ nothing to worry about it. Its our life. They can't judge." Bobby smile to her.

As they're arrive, a driver park their car and they're enter the main hall. They're head to a table where's Ra-in brother, Yunhyeong and some of Bobby's staffs were there. As the event start, lot of models went out with their RBY clothes.
"Its beautiful." Ra-in amaze with their new brand clothes. Her brother smile to her. "Not disappointed right?" Ra-in nodded.
Then, a group from JYP perform to make the event more exciting. GOT7 perform their latest song. Ra-in cheers to them and smile bright even wave to one of the member. "Hii!!" Bobby keep stare at her. "I'm not exist in here?" Bobby rolled his eyes. Ra-in laugh to him. "Heyy. Not always ok. Hehe." After they finish their performance, Ra-in have a chance to take picture with them at backstage. "Bobby, take our photo. Pleasee~~." Ra-in pout cutely to Bobby. "Hmm. Okay. Excuse me, urm. My wife want to take picture with you guys. She's one of our model." Bobby ask GOT7 politely. "Oh sure." Their leader answer and Ra-in excited stand between them. "Ok. Smile~." Bobby took their photo twice. "Done." "Thank you so much. Your songs really good. And I like your dance moves." Ra-in keep praising them and bow. "Oh thank you so much." Then, they're back to their table. Ra-in keep smiling looking to her phone. "Aww. They're so handsome." She didn't realize what she said and this time Bobby took her phone. "What did you say? Handsome? I better delete this photo if you keep praising them." Bobby try to delete and actually he's jealous.
"Aaaa~~ bobby ya. Ok. I'll stop. You're the handsome guy in my world. Got it babe?." Ra-in smile and wink to him. "Ok I lose." Bobby hand her phone. And both of them laugh happily.

"So now, we'll hear some announcement from RBY owner. Big clap to Bobby Kim." The audiences clap as the MC call Bobby's name.
"Good night everyone. Nice to see you guys here. And as we told, RBY is our new brand with partnership with SR Entertainment.---" Bobby continue his promoting their brand.
"And last, I want to introduce my wife who's coming tonight,
Ra-in Kim (A/N: aren't their last name will change after marriage right?). I'm so sorry for not announced our marriage before." Then Ra-in stood up and everyone clap to her.
"She's pretty." "They're a good match." "I'm jealous of her." And lots of the audiences talk about Ra-in.
"Pffts-" Rachel rolled her eyes as she saw Ra-in stood up. She's also attend the event as she's one of SR Ent.model. (A/N: SR is Ra-in's brother agency name. Sorry for late mention it).
After Bobby's announcement, all the audiences enjoy their food and having chat with each other while music played.

"I need to go to washroom. Excuse me." And Ra-in head to a washroom. Ra-in enter the toilet. Rachel saw she's heading to washroom and follow her from back. As Ra-in come out from the toilet, she wash her hands and suprise when she saw Rachel stand beside her. Smirking.
"I heard you're pregnant." Ra-in try to ignore her.
"So, you cancel your contract? Haha. I didn't know you like Bobby too. Or maybe you didn't know his past."
"What you want Rachel?" Ra-in pissed off.
"Me? What I want? I want Bobby." Rachel glare to her.
"Hmm. I heard you're pregnant too. And try to make Bobby responsible to it. Even its not him." Ra-in smirk to her.
Rachel grab her wrist. Hardly.
"You don't have right to say that woman!" This time Rachel pissed off.
"Go off my hand Rachel." Ra-in try to let go her hand from Rachel.
"We're not done yet Ra-in."
As Ra-in try to let go her hand, Rachel push her harder until she's slipped over the floor and fall on it. Rachel nervous as she push Ra-in hardly.
"" Ra-in hold the end of Rachel dress.
"Its not my fault. You're slipped yourself." Rachel blame her and she saw lot of blood on Ra-in dress.
Then, Hayi who want to use the toilet went in and shock when she saw Ra-in on the floor full with blood. "RA-IN AH!!" She grab Ra-in and make her seat. "What happen?" And she glare to Rachel. "You push her!" "I AM NOT! SHE FALL HERSELF!" Rachel run away from the toilet.
"Hold on. I call Bobby." Hayi grab her phone and call Bobby.
"Heyy. Bobby! Come to the toilet now.! Ra-in..she..-"
"What?! Wait for me." Bobby rush to the toilet and shock when he saw Ra-in.
"Ra-in ah. Baby!!" Bobby carry Ra-in to their car. Hayi follow them and seat with Ra-in at the back seat.
"What happen?!" Bobby ask Hayi who call him just now.
"I don't know. When I go to the toilet, I already saw she's lying on the floor full with blood. And Rachel also there." Hayi try to explain what she saw.
"What?! Rachel?!"
They're arrive at the hospital and Bobby carry Ra-in to the emergency room. "We'll take care of her. You can wait here sir." The nurse ask Bobby and Hayi to stay outside the room.
Bobby call their parent and told everything.
Ra-in brother and Yunhyeong arrive and found Bobby.
"What happen?"
"I don't know. But Rachel with her in the washroom." Bobby told them.
"What she's doing? She tried to kill Ra-in. If anyting happen to Ra-in, I won't forgive the girl." Ra-in brother really mad at Rachel.
"I'm sorry hyung. I couldn't protect Ra-in." Bobby blame himself.
"No no. I understand you. Its not your fault."
Both family also arrive and Bobby explain to them.
"Don't worry Bobby. She'll be fine."
"My baby girl. Poor her." Ra-in mom cried and hug Bobby's mom.
"Let's just wait the doctor. Hope Rachel will be fine."
Then, all of them waitting for the doctor.

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