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The hands

with flesh as white as new snowfall reach for the blueberry sky

A breath


the exhausted lungs,

melting to steam

The ice below the figure creaks,

but doesn't give way

Scarlet trickles from a wound

on the throat,

spilling onto the frozen lake

The figure,

in it's attempt to speak,

can barely utter one word


It mumbled

the hands fell,

collapsing onto the ice with a sickening crack

one final,

shaky breath spilt forth unto the world,

before the eyes closed,

and the figure died

the people nearby expected a tremor of the world,

a shiver,

an echoing scream

but there was nothing

they all looked around,


until they heard a small voice,

drifting on from the horizon.

"So, I failed."

The people collapsed to the ground,

and the ice began to break

The ground shivered,

and a scream rang across the lake,

as the entire group fell through the ground,

into the freezing water

Silence hung heavy

under the blueberry sky

Our eyes blinked,


we wondered where the others fell. 

Bloodred Walls and Scarlet HeartbeatsWhere stories live. Discover now