Chapter 3: A week off

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Mc's P.O.V

I stretched my back as I have just awoken from my slumber. Its been 2 months since the 'date' I had with Seven, or at least thats how I see it. And its been 3 months since I joined the R.F.A and 3 months since my feelings for Seven has grown bigger than the friggin galaxy. Soon, bigger than the universe, probably! I cant help it. I'm crazy for that idiot, even Jumin-nii says so.

Ah, and before I forget to mention, from today till next week, the R.F.A members and I are going to the beach! We decided to relax and chill together in a private beach with a private beach house that my family owns. Hey, we're rich, alright? We all discussed about having a one week vacation from work and stuff, together.

Jumin-nii came into my room and told me to go clean myself up and prepare my stuff needed for this one week vacation. So, I packed everything I needed, took a shower and changed my clothes. I wore a pink dress that stops above my knees, hot-pink flats that matches the dress and a big straw-hat(what do you even call those?)

After packing and getting ready, I waited for Jumin-nii in the living room. Not so long after, Jumin-nii came out from his room and for the first time in forever, he's in his beach wear. A straw-hat, but not as big as mine, just a small one, a blue buttoned down shirt with flowers at the bottom of it, shorts that hits right at the knee and a pair of slippers. I laughed at the sight of that, he got pissed then got closer to me just to pinch my shoulder ;; I rubbed my shoulder and whimpered in pain the whole ride to the beach.

When we arrived, only Hyun(Zen) and Jaehee were there. I ran to the both of them right after opening the door and greeted them hello. They said hello and Hyun patted my head. I then ran to Jumin-nii who was struggling taking out the suit cases from the trunk. Since we told our maids and butlers to have a week off too, we have to do most things by ourselves. We took the taxi by the way, IT STINKS not like our car and limo. I helped Jumin-nii with the suit cases and rolled them over to where Jaehee and Hyun's bags were.

Then, Yoosung, Seven and V came. Seven got out of the taxi as soon as possible and left Yoosung and V fight in there. Seven looked back at the taxi horrified while Yoosung looked like a cat trying to fight V and V just tried to talk it out with Yoosung. Seriously, Yoosung needs to calm down about this Rika thing. HE COMPARES EVERYONE WITH RIKA AND IT PISSES ME OFF SOMETIMES. But Yoosung is such a cinnamon roll when he doesnt do that so I cant hate him ;;;;;

When they got out of the car, I seperated Yoosung from V and apologized to V, in behalf of Yoosung. I calmed Yoosung down at least for now so we wont have trouble with anything. He did, but sometimes he just glares at V. Since everyone has already arrived, we went up to the beach house, picked our rooms and unpacked. There was a lot of rooms, and it doesnt even look like a beach house. More like a small mansion. It was placed right infront of the beach so we have a view of the beach. I pulled Jumin-nii's arm and asked if we could go to the beach already, Yoosung did the same thing on his other arm. He got annoyed, gave up and agreed. Yoosung and I hugged each other and jump in glee while cheering like little kids, then Seven joined in and we all laughed.

After changing into my swim suit, It was a two piece and pink in colour with some frills on it. I took a bag and put in some stuff that we could use for fun or things like sunblock. I put on my sunglasses and put on my slippers. I went out of my room seeing Yoosung and Seven already done changing. I pulled the both of them and ran out to the beach. I threw my bag and sunglasses on one of the shades and jumped into the water. Seven and Yoosung did the same thing. We splashed each other with water and drowned Yoosung a little..;; He popped out whimpering and pushed the both of us down too. I sit back up laughing and hugging Yoosung, "HOW DARE YOUUU" I said and pushed him down to the water with me. We popped out laughing, but Seven laughed..not so much just a little "haha" with a face of dissapointment. I wonder whats wrong? To bring back that smile, I jumped behind him and pushed him in the water, I was laughing until Yoosung pushed me down causing me to fall on Seven. When Seven tried sitting up, I was sitting on his legs and our faces were a few centimeters apart. We jumped and I blushed a thousand shades of red, redder than Seven's hair.

I was having fun until I realized.."SUNBLOCK" I shouted then ran to the shades, quickly grabbing the sunblock and rubbing it all over me. BUT I WAS HAVING TROUBLE PUTTING IT ON MY BACK. So, I awkwardly asked Seven to help. He accepted and ran over to me. Yoosung came running to us to just watch. I laid on the mat facing downwards and passed Seven the sunscreen, when he started to rub the sunscreen on my back I flinched a little and blushed. Seven spreads the sunscreen all over my back, from my shoulder to above my uh, butt. I told him it was done but he didnt listen and continued. He rubbed some more sunscreen on my arms then my legs, as he was about to go higher, I jumped and looked at him. He gave me a questioning look and realized what he did. His face blended with his hair colour and covered his face. He apologized saying "I'M SORRY I GOT TOO INTO THE SUNSCREEN THING.". I patted his back and told him it was alright. Yoosung was just there surprised and laughing at Seven. He nudged Seven and teased him a little, for revenge of what we always do to Yoosung.

After that, the others came down to the beach wearing their swim wear. Hyun dragged me, Seven and Yoosung to the water and play. We splashed each other and pushed each other. It was really fun. I'm glad we get to stay like this for a week.

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