Chapter 11: Confession

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"Saeyoung..?" I said, with eyes opened wide. He looked at me and asked, "Who are you..?"

My heart dropped at what he said and I tried running away, but fell down when I hit someone's chest. I looked up to the person with my eyes gushing out tears.

It was..another Saeyoung..?

I didnt know what expression to make, I was confused. I looked behind me finding Saeyoung and infront of me, another Saeyoung. "What..?" was the only words I could say. The Saeyoung in front of me gave me a hand and I stood up. He looked behind me and laughed at the person who looked like him. "Looks like somebody FINALLY found a girlfriend, huh, Saeran?" he shouted out at him and smirked.

I looked back to Saeyoung with a look that seemed confused. "Thats my twin brother, Saeran! I'm the real Saeyoung!" he explained. My heart started to pump normally again and a smile has been plastered on my face. I hugged him and cried on his shoulder, I could tell that he probably has a surprised and confused look on his face. But he hugged and patted my head nonetheless.

The fireworks stopped and the party was over. While I was helping out taking down the decorations and cleaning up the party hall, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. "Wanna take a walk and talk for a bit?" Saeyoung asked and I nodded.

And with that, we went outside and sat on a bench infront of the party location. He talked and explained about this "Saeran" guy. What a relief, I thought. Well since that's cleared, I should..confess..? Yeah. I should.

As he was still explaining things, I turned to face him and hugged him.

707: "What's the matter, Mc?"

Mc: "Saeyoung.."

707: "Uh, yeah?"

Mc: "I like you."

707: "You've said that before," he chuckles.

Mc: "No, you.."

He turned silent, but hugged me tighter and placed his chin on his forhead. "I love you too, Mc."

My heart pounded when I heard those words. I looked up at him, his face was red as his hair. So was mine. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

After that, we decided to help everyone inside. But before we walked into the party hall, he planted a kiss on my forhead, "I love you, Mc," he says, then ruffles my hair, I stood there, frozen in place as he walked to the party hall. I unfrozed and ran up to Saeyoung, "Uwaa!! Not fair! Wait for me!!"

As we entered the party hall, it was only partially messy. Saeyoung and I parted ways and helped different people. I helped Zen and Jumin-nii with picking up the rubbish. When I walked up to them, I saw Zen in the rubbish bag and I sweatdropped. Looks like theyre fighting again.. I thought. I shouted at them to stop and help clean and they did. I huffed and pouted, "Jeez, are you sure you guys are older than me?" I said.

"Oh!" I exclaimed and walked over to Zen and whispered, "I did it, Zen!". He looked at me with eyes wide open and hugged me, "CONGRATULATIONS!" He shouted while hugging me and swaying me around. "OI WATCH WHAT YOURE DOING TO MY LITTLE SISTER!" Jumin-nii, shouts and hits Zen's back over and over. Everyone chuckled at the sight while I felt dizzy until Zen places me down. "So, are you a thing now?" he asks.

I wobbled around, due to dizziness until it wore off, I looked at Zen and I saw his eyes sparkling as he looked at me, waiting for my answer. "Well, no.." I said. "WHAT?!" he exclaimed and shook me side to side. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?!" He shouted. "I SAID STOP DOING THAT TO MY LITTLE SISTER AHDKSNCIDO," Jumin-nii shouts again. "Well, he didnt say anything about wanting to be his girlfriend or anything, but he did say he loves me back. Maybe he's not ready yet, besides, I'm not either." I said, then he pouts and sighed in defeat.

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