Truth or dare || 707 x MC

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Today, everyone in the R.F.A are having a sleepover at my place. Theres no particular reason for it, it's just for fun. Everyone was already here and in their pajamas. We all decided to sleep in the living room since it wont be fair if its just me and Jumin-nii sleeping on our comfy beds. The guest room isnt that big for everyone to sleepnin either. So we had no choice but to sleep in the living room together.

We placed down out pillows and blankets on the soft carpet and sat down in a circle. Zen took out some board games, card games, stuff like that.

I wonder why would a star have all these things.. I nervously smiled at him and sweatdropped.

We played the games he brought for a while and got bored. He whimpered in disappointed at the comment Saeyoung gave him, "THESE GAMES ARE BORING!" Zen then keeps all those things in his bag as Jaehee comforts him.

"Well what should we do then?" I asked.

"LETS PLAY LOLOL!!" Yoosung exclaimed and everyone disagreed. With that, Yoosung also got disappointed and whimpered.

"How bout truth or dare?" Jaehee suggested. We all look at each other, "sure, great idea," Jumin-nii said.

I took an empty wine bottle from the kitchen and laid it in the middle of everyone. "Who should spin the bottle first?"

Silence took over the atmosphere. I sighed and went to my room to grab some ice cream sticks that I always used to collect. I took 7 sticks that consists of different sizes and sat down. "Lets draw sticks," I said. Everyone nodded in agreement and grabbed hold of a stick that I was holding.

"On the count of three, everyone pull out the sticks they have chosen, ready? 1..2..3!"

Everyone pulls out the sticks they chose and we began comparing them. The order on whose going first, second and next was:

Zen, Jumin-nii, Mc, Saeyoung, V, Jaehee then Yoosung.

Zen nodded as he pumped his hand on the air then spun the bottle. The bottle pointed at Yoosung. Zen smiles and Yoosung nervously smiled, not knowing whatever is happening in Zen's mind right now. "Truth or dare?" he asks. "Truth."

"Who do you have a crush on?"

Yoosung shot back, trembling like a kitten. He gulps in his saliva and loosens his collar. He closes his eyes and clenched his fists.

Woah, this is nerve-wracking.

"I-its..its JYNX!!" he shouts the name of his crush as his eyes were closed shut. Cheering was heard across the room, "who's this Jynx girl, huh, Yoosung?" Saeyoung asks. "She's..she's a beautiful woman. Brave and strong," he said.

"Awww" was all we could say. Puppy love, how cute.

Zen asks Yoosung to show a picture of her and Yoosung nodded excitingly. He took out his phone and browsed for a picture of Jynx. When he found a picture of her, he scootched over to Zen and shows him the picture. Zen's smile turned into a poker face and everyone got curious why. We crawled over to the both of them and looked at the phone screen.


"Isnt she beautiful?" Yoosung smiles at us and we nodded with no emotion.

"So..a lolol character, huh?" Yoosung nodded repeatedly and crawled over to where he was sitting before and smiled like an idiot that he is. I mentally facepalmed and went back to my place, everyone dis the same.

Now it was Jumin-nii's turn to spin the bottle. He counted to three and spun it as quickly as he could. The bottle took its time spinning and slowly stopping. It pointed at me.

"So, little sis, truth or dare?" he asks and I scoffed. "I'm no pussy." "DARE!" I exclaimed as I pointed right at him then gave a cocky pose. He scoffed back and smirked, "Well then, I dare you to kiss Luciel." I was frozen in place as I heard thag sentence. "On the lips." he continued. My eyes twitched and I groaned. I looked at Saeyoung who was blushing crimson red, red as his hair. I stood up and slowly walked over to Saeyoung.

I sat down next to him and grabbed his chin, pulling his face closer to mine. Slowly, our faces turned from 1 meter to a few inches, to a few centimeters away from each other. I stopped when it reached at least 2 centimeters away and gulped. Just as I was about to pull away, Saeyoung grabbed me by the hips and pulled me into a kiss. Our lips were touching at last. I couldnt hear anything but our heartbeats, even though I could see them clapping and cheering in the corner of my eyes.

Our kiss turned into a wrestling match. Our tongue were wrestling against each other. My tongue got tired, which gave Saeyoung the opportunity to use his tongue to do whatever he wants. After what felt like forever, we parted and everyone was in a state of shock.

Yoosung was on the floor, passed out. I wiped my lips, and so did Saeyoung. Our faces were heating up, we couldnt make eye contact due to the embarrassment. "Y-y'know..All I said was kiss, not eat each other up.." Jumin-nii said with a face filled with shock. I rubbed the back of my neck and apologized.

"I think..thats enough for tonight, lets go to bed."

And with that, everyone fell asleep.

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