4. Room Talk

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                                                                 Shraddha Kapoor as Shanaya


Room no.230 in building 2 of girls hostel was shared by three girls Shanaya, Priyanka and Bela. Shanaya was in Electronics and Telecommunication, Bela from Instrumentation and Priyanka was in Civil engineering. Some more fresh year girls from adjacent rooms had joined them in their room to discuss about the fresher's party.

Bela: I enjoyed the party though it was just an event with no snacks.

Priyanka: I still can't get over how beautifully that fresher boy sang. Crowd literally went crazy. It was the best performance. But, I couldn't hear a word of what anchor said. Anyone of you know who that boy was?

Shanaya: I couldn't see what was going on stage.I was stuck behind in the crowd and all tall senior girls and boys were standing in front. Nothing was visible from where I was standing. All I did was hear and yeah that boy who sang English songs had a lovely voice. I didn't even get a glimpse of him.

Bela: Overheard girls standing  infront of me saying, he is very handsome also. I don't know which branch he is from though.

All other girls in room: Not in my branch.

The girls had got to dress and shampoo their hair today for fresher's party after a week. For one week the freshers were instructed to have dripping oil hair braided into piggy tails. Wear only simple salwar kurta with duppatta draped making V in front. They were supposed to wear only sneakers. The reason given was  that seniors can easily recognize that they are freshers.

Bela: That tall girl who was wearing shorts and swing top was quite bold.

Shanya: Ya, and she looked very  hot.

Priyanka: Yeah, saw a lot of guys checking  her out. She definitely enjoyed all the attention from everybody, boys, girls, seniors and freshers .

Bela: Shanaya, you also looked pretty  in your pink kurta and chudidaar.

Priyanka: You are a little short but today when you dressed up, you really looked beautiful. You have this very fair flawless skin. Her skin is like baby's.

Bela: All these times, her real beauty was hidden behind the veil of Parachute Oil.

They all laughed.

Priyanka: But we should all look hot tomorrow for the dance party. Has anyone hot party clothes to offer. I got none.

Rosy:I have. I have heard these parties are strictly organized by cultural secretary of college and students are free to wear what they want and enjoy. There are no restrictions and it's not supervised by any administrators or professors.

Priyanka: But they have time restriction. I was told by a  senior, it's too much fun. Can't wait for tomorrow night.

Shanaya: But where do they have the party?

Bela: There is a big hall on the top floor of new boys hostel building and it has an entrance from outside the building. Earlier they used to do it in a hall in main building but now they stopped giving it for fun nights. It's reserved for placement talks and  talks by other accomplished people who visit the campus.

Rosy: Any of you have a boyfriends?

Mostly said no. One said that she had but she broke up with him when she came here.Most of them agreed that they are looking forward to having one during their college years but Shanaya and few others said that their parents warned them not to be distracted by boys and they intend to keep it like that.

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