6. College Life

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        3 months had passed . Everybody in college got busy with studies, assignments and practicals in their respective streams. There was little to no time to get to know students outside their class, room mates and their floor flank mates. Despite the busy schedules they all did squeeze in time to chit-chat with roommates. Abhimanyu played basketball with other boys on some days and Yash too played badminton with his senior friend. Cleaning , washing clothes, ironing took time on weekends. It was only the time when one got some time to do real-time thinking on topics going in class. 

        It poured every now and then. Abhi  always carried an umbrella in his backpack. Hostel was quite a walk from main building and he wanted to avoid going to doctor or hospital. Abhi called home every Sunday evening from STD booth in the college. Abhi's mum was disgusted at his this behavior as she couldn't call him whenever she wanted. Getting his hostel phone was difficult as it came engaged a lot of times. She complained how he was cutting off himself from home. Abhi told her, he would tell them when he needed anything. He warned her against sending anything to him. He told her he was very happy.

Many new couples were forming and could be seen walking around the campus in the evening. Fresher-Fresher, Fresher-Senior and Senior-senior( which were already there and some new one's too).

One night in boys hostel room--

Abhi: I see a lot of couples walking around in campus.What's going on with you Yash? Did you not find any girl good enough to be your girlfriend.

Yash: There are few. Just taking my own sweet time to decide on which one tastes the sweetest. Winks

Ram: Yash has this magnetic field around him .Any girl in periphery falls in his field.

Yash: Well, what to say!

Ram: I saw you talking with that tall girl today near library.I have seen you with her a couple of times before. What's brewing? Who is she?

Abhi: Why have I not seen him with any girl?

Yash: You are busy playing basketball with boys. I'm busy playing badminton with girls.

Ram: Abey saaley. We thought you played with your final year friend.

Yash: He stopped playing long time back because of the seminar he has to present this year. Now I play with Meena and her friends.

Abhi: wooh..Meena! Which branch?

Yash: Fresher, Instrumentation.

Ram: Looked like a simple girl. How far you are in relationship with her?

Yash: Just friends as of now. We aren't on any base yet.

Abhi: You need to introduce us to Bhabhi , yaar. He teased.

Yash: First, let me have my setting ,then I'll introduce you guys to her.

He wanted to tell his friends how he has his heart on Shanaya in his class but he doesn't think she is the girlfriend types.He was trying to impress her though. He decided to keep it to himself.

Yash: How about you guys? How many girls proposed you, Abhi.

Ram: Girl's in our class are nerdy like me. They are hooked to computer. All they believe in is competing. They stare him endlessly and do take him as competition but I am sure they can't afford a relationship with him. Moreover, I think girl's already under estimate their looks compared to his. They are sure they don't stand a chance with him. So, they don't try only.

Yash: Really, sad state. One shouldn't be better looking than girls.He laughed. Yeah, he looks like this one filthy rich guy.

Abhi gulped the saliva in his throat. He decided to change the topic.

Abhi: Ram basically wants to say that he stands a better chance than me as girls flock him to learn from him. He is their personal tutor.Ha ha

Ram: But Abhi, I think you are more intelligent than me. I have a feeling you'll score more than me in coming internal pre-tests to semester exams.

Yash: You two just keep studying..This is all you two have come here for. Abhi still plays. Ram, you are always in the room, studying.

Ram: I want to be a university topper. I need to work hard for that. What about you Abhi, never asked if you have any ambitions like this. What inspires you to do good?

Abhi: No, I just want to make something new and useful. By the way I wanted to tell you guys that  I  joined the cultural group of our college. We meet every Friday after college for one hour.

Ram: You also study, Yash. We have exam in a week. Abhi, your birthday is also coming. When is it?

Abhi: It's on the last day of our pre-tests. Next Friday.

Yash: Wooh, it's Friday. We need to celebrate in a bar this time. Abhi, we need to get drunk that day. I am not listening anything. You guys need to lead a college life to have good memories  of college.

Ram: Where do we have the money for it? What if we get caught?

Yash: Just walk straight upstairs with a straight head.You'll not get caught. If we do we'll think of a way out then. Why are you guys so scared of everything?

Abhi: But I wished you guys gave me a surprise on my Birthday. I love surprises.

Yash: That too we'll give.But booze party is must that day. What say?

Abhi and Ram: Done. For only you Yash, we are bending our rules

Yash: Trust me, you guys will not regret it. 

                  Shanaya and her friends were chit chatting at night in their room.

Priyanka: You know what Shanaya?

Shanaya: No, I don't. What's it?

Priyanka: A boy from Bela's class proposed her and she is considering.

Shanaya: Wow! Who is the boy?

Priyanka: Tell Bela tell. We are going to lose our one roommate.

Bela: Why do you say so. I'm going to be with you girls.

Priyanka: As such we don't have much time and in that too you have to give time to this new boy in your life now.

Shanaya: What's his name?

Bela who was busy completing her practical file, lifted her head from file and said shyly,"Shiva".

Shanaya: Hmmmm, already feeling so shy. Congrats, Bela.

Bela: I'm still considering, but I guess I'm going to say yes to Shiva. He is a nice, simple guy. 

Priyanka: Howz that guy Yash from your class, Shanaya. I find him very good looking. Wasn't he running around you trying to impress you.

Shanaya: Nothing like that. It's just that we are in the same batch for practicals. So we talk a lot. He was just trying to be funny. I have seen him interested in other girls. So, now that I look at it, I think he was just being friendly and funny but not really trying to impress me.

Bela: I see him a lot with Meena from my class these days.

Priyanka: Let's get back to studies , girls. Exams are on head.

Shanaya: What are the plans for Friday after exams. I think we all should eat out at a restaurant. I haven't tried any .

Priyanka: I'm off to my grandma's place in Kochi that weekend after exams. Sorry girls, I won't be able to join you.

Bela: I'll come. Did any one of you read the notice about white day on Friday. All students are supposed to wear white formals to college.

Shanaya: Yeah, read that.

        Exams  kept everyone very busy for a week and finally they were excited that exams were coming to an end. Next day was last day of exam and also it was Abhi's Birthday. Time was flying and in a month time they will have their semester exams after 20 days of Preparatory Leave(PL).

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