34. Abandoned

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          Abhimanyu went straight to office after his flight landed at Mumbai International Airport. His flight was late by an hour, so he reached office at 11:30 am instead. All the employees who sat in the ninth floor of his office, were in their work stations working on their computers. He was greeted with a warm smile by his PA as he walked inside through access door. He returned an equally warm smile and walked on to his office.

          Shanaya was busy working in her cubicle, and Manoj was standing there facing Abhimanyu's office at the partition of Arun's cubicle next to hers, discussing some bug that Arun was having difficulty fixing. Shanaya was expecting Abhimanyu in office anytime then. When she knew he was in aisle behind her, her stomach muscles constricted, and her heart started pounding as if it'll fall out. She tried hard to focus on her monitor.

Manoj noticed Shanaya get all uncomfortable with Abhimanyu's arrival. Abhimanyu was next to his office door.

Manoj: Hey, Abhimanyu! How was the trip?

Abhimanyu: It was very good Manoj. He looked at him and told, and then went into his office.

Shanaya heard his voice, and turned red. Her whole body burnt. She didn't know how she will be able to see him now. Last time she saw him, he was naked in bed. How was she going to look and talk with him now without any thoughts from the night. She sensed Manoj's eyes watching her, she immediately got up and walked to restroom to calm her body and brain.

Just then, the phone in her cubicle rang which Manoj picked.

Abhimanyu: Shanaya!

Manoj: Shanaya is not at her desk, Abhimanyu. I guess she went to the restrooms. You want me to tell her anything.

Abhimanyu: No, thank you Manoj. I'll call back again.

           From Shanaya's uncomfortable body language in his presence to the way she focused too hard on her monitor which meant she wasn't focusing at all, he could so tell that Abhimanyu got her in his bed. Then, the way Abhimanyu took a glance at her back, before going into his office, and then immediately called her, it only confirmed that his suspicion was right.

           She felt so shy to see him now. She didn't know how she was supposed to behave and talk normal after all that. She knew he was going to talk to her, but she didn't want him to talk about it. She knew what was he going to talk, and she was just not in a mood to hear all that bull shit on how he was inebriated and it was a mistake, and he shouldn't have done that or how great it was and if she was open for it again.. whatever, she just didn't want any mention of that night.

            As she was walking out of the restroom to her desk, after some fifteen minutes, her eyes stuck on an extremely beautiful girl at the access door. She saw Parveen opening it for her. She kept looking at her as she walked in. She thought she saw Katrina Kaif. Tall fair girl with model like long skinny arms and legs. Everybody turned to see her as the noise of her heels broke the silence of office. She looked hot in a short green color flowing dress, with spaghetti straps, and a skinny belt around her tiny waist. Manoj ogled at her and Shanaya kept looking at her as she walked to Abhimanyu's office.

                Shanaya was almost near Abhimanyu's office , when she just opened his office door, and slammed it close.

Manoj: Looks like our Abhimanyu has a hot girlfriend, after all.

Shanaya heard it but she knew it wasn't like that because Abhimanyu told her he never had, and didn't have any girlfriend.

               She was about to sit in her cubicle chair when Arun asked her if she can help him figure out the problem. So she stood next to him as she looked at his code with Manoj still standing at the cubicle partition watching them brain storm, and staring at Abhimanyu's door wondering what was going inside with that hot model inside his room.

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