33. Retrospection

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                   With her lips on his lips, and her one hand behind his head, she pushed him on the wall in foray, next to the door. Kissing him roughly, she undid the buttons of his shirt, and ran her free hand all over his clean chest, touching it, digging it and feeling it. He let her kiss his lips, and feel his chest, but he didn't not respond. She was literally biting his lips with her teeth in her roughness. Before, she could bleed his lips, he pushed her away from him.

                  She looked at him with her heart almost breaking and tears on their way. Before she could feel more sad about him not wanting her, she was pinned against the opposite wall, his hands clasped into hers and him kissing her passionately and lustfully, tasting the softness of her lips earnestly with his own soft lips. She kissed him back and then they kissed and kissed and kissed, never stopping as the longing of all the years went into it. Whenever they tried to break, they couldn't. They just kept catching back each other's lips. They kissed like that for several minutes. He kissed her with his hands grazing on the flesh of her thighs, and his body pushed into hers as the kisses got deeper.

               Kissing her deeply, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into him, tightly pressing her whole body against his body in an unbuttoned shirt. With one hand around her waist he unzipped the zipper at the back of her dress, and gently ran his finger on her bare back, tracing her spine from just above her hipsters to the back of her neck. She gasped in his mouth, and her body shivered. He pulled out of the kiss. Staring her cleavage, he slid the straps down her arms and let the dress fall from in between them.

(Some may want to skip and others may not want to skip at all. Read at your own risk between the line of stars)


                She stood in just a hipster and high heels in front of him, blood rushing to her sexual organs. He stared at her topless. The breasts that had teased him all evening had finally revealed themselves completely. Her more than perfect round twins were hard and erect and so ready for the touch of his lips. He grabbed her bums and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Kissing her, he raised her further with her breasts in front of his face and pinned her back firmly on the wall. He then pinned his own hands on wall, with her in between them, and then he kissed her breasts one after another, stroking them, licking them and sucking them. She moaned and cried loudly, and he continued to suck them. Unable to take more pleasure she wanted to push him but couldn't, she was captured between his arms, wall, and his body with her hanging on it by her legs and arms. She was moaning and crying out  so loud that anyone walking through the corridor could tell what was going inside. He stopped before she could climax out. He didn't want to give her, her first orgasm by nipple stimulation.

              He removed his hands from wall and put them back under her bums and kissing her, he carried her to his bedroom and put her on his bed. She looked at him as he took off his unbuttoned shirt and threw it away. She stared at the most beautiful chest of the most handsome man. He slid off her sandals and then slid the last garment on her body down her legs. He spread her legs that were together, and stared at her waxed pussy. Her heart raced at the sight of him staring at them with so much lust. "They are beautiful, just like all of you, and I am starving " he said in his sexiest voice. Her heart skipped several beats and muscles down there clenched and released even before he did anything.

                   He pulled her legs until her back was on the edge of bed. He went on his knees between her open legs. He kissed her inner thighs killing her with sensations of pleasure. His hands felt her pussy lips and she trembled under his touch. He lifted her legs bent at knees, harnessed them in position with his strong hands under her knees. He stared at her beautiful pussy and then kissed them so passionately that she arched her back. He kissed left lip, then right lip, then he spread them open with his tongue to meet it's velvety folds and let the magic of his tongue begin. He glided his tongue gently in wide strokes from bottom to top like he was licking ice cream from a cone. She moaned in pleasure and he watched her. He started licking and sucking slowly and then he paced, eating it out making sounds as if it was the most delicious thing he ever had. He was fucking her brains out by sucking her pussy like that. She cried, moaned, clenched the sheet with her fist as he continued to lick in rhythm with her body giving her continuous pleasure. She started grinding and pressing her pussy into his mouth wanting to be fucked, her moaning going louder by every second. He licked her pussy harder bringing her to her peak pleasure, sending her to a state that she had not known before. She was in a state of pure bliss. She was in ecstasy. She came to a spectacular climax in her first orgasm, and he sucked and licked her pussy slowly as her breathing subsided. He licked every juice of her ecstasy that flowed down there as the tears of pleasure trickled down from her eyes.

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