Chapter 1

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Landon’s POV

I’ve been talking to the manager of A Little White Chapel for an hour now trying to figure out what happened last night. All I have is a picture of me and my supposed wife on my iPhone. The photo is a bit blurry because I’m assuming we had much too much to drink to hold still for a photo. And I also had found a marriage license in my pocket. Apparently, I’m married to a Kathryn Anne Stratford. Why can’t it say Charlotte Callahan? Charlotte is the woman I want to marry. I flew 3,471 miles to propose to Charlotte, NOT this Kathryn. How can I be married to a stranger? This kind of stuff only happens in films not real life. Why is this happening to me? I can’t propose to Charlotte if I’m married to someone else. How the hell did I get myself into this mess? This is all Kevin’s fault. It’s his fault we got so sloshed is the first place.

Last night…

“Forget about her, mate. Don’t they say there are plenty of fish in the sea?” Kevin says as he passes a shot of tequila my way.

I take the shot before saying, “Who’s they?”

He thought for a moment, “You know, they. Who gives a fuck just drink.”

And so I did. I drank and drank, all because I was stupid enough to think that alcohol would help me feel better. That’s the last thing I remember about last night and now I’m married to this Kathryn Stratford.

Before I can think any more about this catastrophe, Jim, the manager of the wedding chapel repeats for the tenth time, “I’m sorry but this is the only information I have about where she is.”

“But this says, she’s in New York. Is there any information about where she’s staying while she’s in Vegas?”

He shook his head regretfully. “I’m sorry, but this is all we have.”

“But she has the ring I’m suppose to give to my girlfriend.” I stress

“She’s not your girlfriend mate” Kevin annoyingly states

I glared at him and warned, “Kevin shut up."

He shrugs, “But she’s not.”

“Shut up!”

“No you shut up. You’re pathetic. She left you! Why are you still chasing her?” he asked incredulously.

I sighed loudly, “Because I love her.” Sure Charlotte was kind of difficult, but she and I have been together for two years. I've told her things I've never told anyone before. I let her see a vulnerable side of me when my father passed away and she comforted me. She was there for me in the most difficult time of my life. 

He rolled his eyes, “No you don’t.” By now, Jim was irritated. He left us arguing when Kevin says, “How can you love someone as evil as her? She left you for an older, richer man. She was never nice, she made you pay for everything, she bossed you around, and should I even remind you of how many times you two broke up?”

Charlotte left me. Yes, she did. But we've broken up before and every time we always ended up getting back together. That just proves that she and I are meant to be together. I've invested so much of myself in her and our relationship that I'd be dumb to let it go so easily. 

“If you have such little faith in us why did you even come with me?”

He sighed, “Because you’re still my best mate. Even if you’re being a complete moron right now.” Even though Kevin didn't really like Charlotte, he still supported me for the most part. The only time he really told me off about Charlotte was when she and I were having problems. He would always tell me that couples that fight as much as us weren't meant to be. But he didn't understand. He had certain expectations for relationships. He thought that fighting was a sure sign the relationship wasn't right. 

“Well, then keep being my best mate and just support me, yeah?”

“Fine”, he grumbles.

Just in time, Jim arrives with large envelopes and a box.

He sets the objects on the counter before saying, “Here’s the photos from your wedding.”

I look at him curiously and he says, “You ordered photos, Mr. Milford.”

I open my mouth to speak but I’m interrupted. “Oh shit, your wife’s hot!” Kevin says a little too loud.

“Not as hot as Charlotte.” I mumbled. But I spoke too soon. That blurry photo on my iPhone did not do this girl justice. This girl is hot but there is something about her that made me think she is more than that. She has a face that is pretty in a way I’ve never seen before. STOP I tell myself.Quit wasting time and just get this marriage annulled already. You need to get Charlotte back.

“We have to find her”, I tell Kevin

“You do annulments here too, right?” I ask Jim.

He nods regretfully before adding, “Yes, but I’m afraid we won’t be able to do it unless both parties are present.”

I’m going to find her. I have to.

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