Chapter 9

599 18 13

Tuesday 10pm

Landon's POV

So today hasn't been my favorite. The whole day I've been miserable. I spent the whole morning wishing Charlotte would just text me, call me, tweet me, whatever! I just wanted her to talk to me. I just wanted her to acknowledge my existence. I can't stand not being able to talk to her and I just don't understand how she can not talk to me. I mean, we were together for a long time. We spoke and saw each other everyday. How could she go from that to not even texting me? Just send me a goddamn text!

I'm so fucking pathetic. I've never in my life been so desperate for a woman's attention. But she wasn't just a woman, she was the woman, my woman, my Charlotte. She's the reason why I'm so fucked up right now. She's the reason why I'm sitting by myself at the downstairs bar looking like a loner while my best mate and his new girlfriend have a few laughs and enjoy each other's company.

I swirl my brown colored drink in my glass a few times before I notice Kat batting her eyelashes at some random guy across the bar. My God, she's even twirling her hair around her finger! Pathetic. She's trying way too hard to get some guy's attention. Who, by the way, looks mediocre and boring. But apparently, her efforts are working. He's leaning in closely, whispering, what I'm asumming, sweet nothings in her ear. She smiles at him and gently places her left hand on his forearm.

Damn, she still has my rings.

Then, I got an idea.

I made my way to the flirtatious couple and all I hear is the guy cooing, "You should visit  me in Hawaii, it's beautiful just like you."

I could see the guy smugly grinning at her and Kat was eating it all up. He was just trying to impress her and get her into bed. I know that look! And when you brag about living on some tropical island, that's a sign that you're really trying hard to get laid. By the way Kat was smiling, she didn't know any better. She was hanging on his every word. Man, if this guy could fool Kat any guy could. She'd just end up getting hurt. I can tell she's the kind of girl that wants a serious relationship but she sure was looking in the wrong places.

I approached the two from behind Kat. She couldn't see me as she had her back towards me and I interrupted. "Oh, we'll definitely consider that offer" I said as I confidently put my arm around Kat's shoulders and cooed, "Won't we, honey?"

Kat tried to shrug me off but failed miserably as the guy asked immediately looking confused, "Who's he?"

Kat immediately plastered on a sweet smile, "Oh he's just..."

"I'm her husband." I said proudly as the guy's eyebrows furrowed even deeper.

Kat elbowed me hard in the stomach causing me to bend forward in pain. "No, he's not." she argues but I lift my head and nod to indicate that I am and she continues to defend, "He's not, I swear!"

The guy shifted uncomfortably. He looked like he was ready to leave but he just stood awkwardly. I knew he just wanted to get laid! No guy, if he's really interested in a woman would ever have that look on his face. If you really cared about a girl and it wasn't just about sex, you'd stick around and believe her.

I pull up her left hand that had my rings hugging her ring finger and wave it in front of his face and sing, "Married... see?"

His eyes widened and he immediately brought his hands up in surrender and slowly backed away, "Oh shit, I'm sorry"

"Would you like to see the marriage license too?" I asked politely smiling from ear to ear.

"No thanks" he said already a few feet away from us.

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