Chapter 6

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Landon's POV

We decided on the 24 seven cafe. Quite a few people were also getting something to eat so we were seated in a small two seat table in the middle of the restaurant. When the waitress gave us our menus Kat quickly skimmed every page thoughtfully. She looked like she was concentrating so hard. It was funny to watch. She would occasionally turn the page back and forth deciding on what she wanted to get. 

Kat is weird. 

So weird. I've never met a girl that found humor in annoying the crap out of me. She seemed to thoroughly enjoy watching me embarass myself. And that thing she made me do earlier with the gay guy at the bar... who does that? I swear to God, if that man did accept my offer I was going to... Well, I wouldn't know what to do. And most of the time, I know what to do. She just throws me off my game and I hate that. 

"Hey sweetie, ready to order?" a raspy sounding voice asks. 

I look towards the voice and see a pretty little blonde waitress smiling at me. She winks at me and bites on her bottom lip trying to look seductive. Her bright blue eyes were clouded with a dark shade of what I'm assuming is pure lust. Classic. I'd be lying if I said this is the first time this has happened to me so I'll just be truthful. I know I'm an attractive man. I do my best to keep in shape and it doesn't hurt that my parents have passed on some of those good looking genes onto me. So, it doesn't really surprise me when women come onto me. It's flattering. 

I look to Kat and see that she's still contemplating on what to get so I say, "Um, I think we made need a minute. She's still deciding." I rolled my eyes dramatically at Kat earning a giggle from the waitress. She's too easy. 

Apparently my eye roll made Kat narrow her eyes at me, "Actually, I'm ready." 

"For a screaming orgasm?" I joked and pretended to get up and leave, "Come on, then." I tell her excitedly offering my hand to Kat. She wasn't amused but I sure was. I enjoy annoying her as much as she does me. And I have no idea why she's annoyed anyway, most women love it when I flirt suggestively with them. Why is Kat so different? I wouldn't be surprised if she was one of those girls that expect a man to be all romantic, polite, and well mannered. I look at Kat and she looks exactly like that kind of girl. She's not the kind to sleep around. She's a prude. 

The waitress was not happy about my little comment. In fact, she seemed down right angry and jealous when she glared at Kat. Damn, if looks could kill Kat would be chopped up into little tiny pieces buried further than six feet under. 

Kat looked at me with disgust and scoffed, "In your dreams, Landon." 

My mouth dropped open in pretend shock, "But wifey, you said-" 

Before I can finish the waitress oh so seductively purrs, "I'd be happy to take you up on that offer." 

How cute, this waitress thinks she and I actually have a chance. She's pretty and all but damn, she's too easy. I haven't even had to turn on my charm, she just wanted me. Plain and simple. Usually it would be kind of awkward for me when I turned women down, but this time I actually have a reason. I'm married! At least there's one good thing about marriage. I bent down to whisper in Kat's ear, "Help me out here? This chick won't give up." 

Kat smiled and nodded. 

I tried to put on my best apolegetic face, "I'm sorry..." I looked at her name tag, "Ashley, but you see, I'm married. The only person I'd offer a screaming orgasm to is my little wifey right over here." I put my arm around Kat's shoulders and pulled her into me to make it look convincing. 

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