Chapter XII

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"that's exactly what she have said" he murmur


"How I wish I'm a human" he commented.

I furrowed my brows. What does he mean?


"That's what we all have wishing, to be a normal human" he said

"I fell inlove with a human before.." he added

my eyes gone wide.

"Really? Where is she now?" I said in shock

"In heaven. Some heartless vampires killed her.. You know Arjo.. be thankful that Jk do the half of ritual to protect you somehow while me, before I didn't want to do the ritual on her back then cause I love her and, that lead into her death. fool me." He said

"that's why I understand what Jk feels about you. Its too complicated for both of you" he added

I remain silent cause I don't know what am I going to say but I have thought what Jimin said. Yes, I'm thankful that Jk saved me and protecting me from vampires and demons. As well for respecting me for not continueing the ritual and thankful for being kind to me, treating me like a princess though sometimes he rude. I like Jk but not the way he did.

"So hows the meeting?" Jimin asked Jk as we came in the bleachers

"He agree" Jk said shortly and hold my wrist and drag me way out of this school.

I saw the others smiled and follow me and Jk on our back.

"Guys see you after buying the appliances. I'm going to date this girl" Jk said and show an evil smile to his friends

They smiled.

"Okay~ see you around~" Jin said

Jk start dragging me somewhere in this city.

"Where are we going?" I said

"There. We will eat" Jk said

"But you're not eating and I'm not hungry. Let's go to park instead" I said

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, let's gooo~" I said as I pull him way to park near here.

After few hours ...

"I had fun" Jk said while smiling as we walk back to his car while holding my hand.

"JK! ARJO!~" Taehyung said as they approach us.

"Ah.. what happened to you guys?" Jin asked

Seeing me and Jk with alot of stickers on our hands and tied balloon on my right wrists. As my clothes are soaked, same with Jk. He has stickers same with me. I can't help myself from smiling. He loves kids and we have same interest on some things. I didn't expect this cute side of Jk.

"Ahm.. we went to the park and play with some kids there" I said

"But guys why are you soaked?" Rapmon said

"We fell inside the fountain" Jk said

I chuckled.

Actually its my fault. I'm walking in the edge of fountain when I loose control then Jk was about to save me from falling but I drag him with me and fell inside the fountain and start laughing on each other.

"Ah.. ~ the two of you look good together~" Jimin said and they agree.

After few conversation we left the city and drive way back to the mansion. Soon that we arrived, I immediately go in my room to change my clothes.

The Vampire Demon [Jungkook]Where stories live. Discover now