Chapter XXXII

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I woke up without Jungkook beside me, I yawn as I sit up from bed. Its already 3pm. I want to stand up but I'm afraid, I might fall on the ground. I feel my legs are so weak. I was staring on the floor as I thinking how can I stand up but then I remember what happened earlier, between me and Jungkook. I gave myself again on him knowing any by this time he will gonna kill me. I'm so stupid. As I'm still on my deep thoughts when Jungkook appeared in front of me as he talk.

"Hey" He said

"Babe?" He added as he sit beside me

"H-Huh?" I said as come to my senses

"You okay?" He said

"What are you thinking?" He added as he put my hair behind my ear

"Oh nothing. I just woke up" I said awkwardly, This is the first time we talk again.

"Come on, I cooked for you" he said and pull my hand

"W-wait" I said as I forced myself to stand up but I fell.

"Oh! my bad. I'm sorry" he said and carry me in bridal style with sheets around me

"Can I take a shower first?" I said

He chuckled and nod. He carry me way to the bathroom and sit me on the sink. Why so nice?

"I'll just turn on the boiler" he said then I've heard the water rushing on the tub.

I jump off from the sink and balance myself to stand properly.

"Oh. I'll carry you" he said

"No, nope, I'm okay" I said and start to walk towards the tub.

I pull off the sheets around me and have myself in the tub.

"I'll take a shower too, see ya" Jungkook said and take his pace out.

I don't know why am I like this and why he's like that. We are so awkward. I feel scared too. What if this is one of his games again? Oh god. I will not going anywhere else. I'm gonna tell him. If he really want me gone then I'll let him. There is no sense if I still going to run away from him. I will always back on him. He always found me. I will be brave this time. I will also ready for what gonna be happen between us. But I don't want this kind of atmosphere between us. I know he's just kind because he wants to kill me.

After taking a bath I saw a set of new clothes on the bed. A jogger pants and a hoodie. I wear them and find Jungkook.

"Uh.. Jungkook? Where are you?" I said it louder, I know he will gonna hear me.

"What is it baby?" He said as he appeared in front of me.

"Uhm.." I said

He smiled.

"I'm hungry" I said in a lower voice without looking at him.

He chuckled.

"Let's go in kitchen. I cooked for you earlier but its not hot anymore" he said and hold my hand and drag me way to the kitchen.

Its a miracle that he didn't use his power to teleport. We are taking our step towards the kitchen a while holding each others hand as I watch his back while we are walking. Why he is so kind? But I didn't expect it. I thought he will be more cruel or rude but not, opposite of what I'm thinking right now.

When we step in the kitchen, I saw a lot of food on the table like there's a feast. I'm so confused on him right now. Is this just for show or for real?

"Is this my last meal before I die?" I joke but said that on my behalf

I was expecting him to laugh but no.

The Vampire Demon [Jungkook]Where stories live. Discover now